I want to do a PhD
The PhD
The doctorate is a postgraduate degree after the baccalauréat. It is prepared within a doctoral school, after obtaining a diploma conferring the grade of master or an equivalent level. This training in and through research leads to the degree of doctor, after defending a thesis. The duration of the thesis is 3 years for full-time doctoral students, with the exceptional possibility of a derogation for re-registration in the 4th year; of 6 years for part-time doctoral students (teaching or other activity). However, annual extensions can be granted from the 7th year onwards.
The College of Doctoral Studies
Doctoral training at Avignon University is managed by the College of Doctoral Studies (CED), which coordinates the doctoral schools and pools some of their training. In liaison with the research units, the CED contributes to the training of future PhDs. It prepares them for their future professional integration and the promotion of their degree.
Doctoral schools
The PhD can be prepared in one of the two Doctoral Schools, ED 536 "Agrosciences & Sciences" and ED 537 "Culture & Heritage", which federate the research units of Avignon University: AU's own Research Units, Joint Research Units associating Avignon University with Public Scientific and Technical Establishments (CIRAD, CNRS, INRAE, IRD), Own Research Units and the Experimental Unit of the INRAE PACA Centre (site of Avignon)
The role of doctoral schools is to help doctoral students develop their scientific skills, build their professional project and discover the socio-economic world into which they will have to fit. The doctoral schools guarantee the quality of the diploma awarded and the conditions for supervising and completing the thesis.
In order to complete a doctoral thesis at Avignon University, the following steps are required:
- have a thesis subject in one of the fields of study of the EDs,
- have a thesis director who is a permanent member of a research unit attached to a DE,
- to have a financing of the thesis (except co-tutored doctorate) only for the theses in ED 536.
Doctoral School 536 Agrosciences & Sciences
The Doctoral School 536 " Agrosciences & Sciences " gathers the research units and teams of the Sciences, Technologies, Health domain of the University of Avignon, as well as some of the INRAE PACA Centre's Own or Experimental Units.
ED 536 thus federates research units with diversified disciplinary fields: Biology, Biostatistics, Chemistry, Hydrogeology, Computer Science, Mathematics, Mechanics, Agronomic Sciences, Physical Sciences, Earth Sciences, Life Sciences, Sciences and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities.
More than two thirds of the teams attached to ED 536 develop their research activities in the field of agrosciences: plant physiology and pathology, plant food science, agri-food and plant extraction process science, nutrition, environment, ecology and socio-economic sciences applied to agrosystems.
Its research potential is based on 14 recognised research units, divided into 4 AU's own research units, 4 UMRs (Joint Research Units, in association with INRAE, CIRAD, CNRS or IRD) and 6 of INRAE's own units, thus bringing together around 200 teacher-researchers and researchers, including around 100 staff qualified to direct research (HdR).
The Agrosciences major of the DE is based on its partnership with INRAE PACA, as well as the Tersys Federative Research Structure (SFR) "Valorisation of Natural Plant Products, Health and Environment", the European competitiveness cluster Innov'Alliance and the CRITT Agroalimentaire PACA.
Research units attached to ED536:
- UPR AU 2151 Avignon Mathematics Laboratory
- UPR AU 4128 Avignon Computer Laboratory
- UPR AU 4278 Experimental Cardiovascular Physiology Laboratory
- UMR 95 CIRAD Qualisud, Laboratory of Fruit and Vegetable Physiology
- UMR 408 INRAE Safety and Quality of Plant-based Products
- UMR 1114 INRAE Mediterranean Environment & Agro-Hydrosystems Modelling
- UMR CNRS 7263 - IRD 237 Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity & Ecology
- UR INRAE 406 Bees & Environment
- UR INRAE 407 Plant Pathology
- UR INRAE Eco-Development
- UR INRAE 546 Biostatistics & Spatial Processes
- UR INRAE 1052 Genetics and Improvement of Fruits and Vegetables
- UR INRAE 1115 Plants & Horticultural Cropping Systems
- UPRI - Own Research and Innovation Unit
- UAR 3538 LSBB Low Noise Underground Laboratory
Doctoral School 537 Culture & Heritage
The ED Culture and Heritage federates research teams from several disciplines: Culture and Communication, Political Science, Theatre Studies, Law, Geography, History, Linguistics, Comparative Literature. Its research potential is based on 9 research units, including two host teams, 1 INRAE research unit and six joint research units in association with the CNRS, EHESS or IRD, bringing together approximately 50 teacher-researchers and researchers qualified to direct research (HDR).
The ED Culture and Heritage is headed by a director assisted by a board. This board is composed of 20 members:
- a representative of the Presidency
- the management of the College of Doctoral Studies (CED)
- the management of the FR Agor@ntic
- a representative of the BIATSS staff
- six representatives of the laboratories belonging to the ED, including its director
- four doctoral students elected by their peers within the laboratories of the ED
- three scientific personalities from outside the ED
- three personalities from outside the ED from the socio-economic environment.
Laboratories attached to the ED Culture and Heritage
- UMR 7300 ESPACE, CNRS Studies of structures, adaptation processes and spatial changes
- UMR 228 ESPACE-DEV, IRD Space for development
- UMR 5648 CIHAM, CNRS EHESS History, Archaeology, Literature of the Medieval Christian and Muslim Worlds
- UMR 5189 HiSoMA - History and sources of ancient worlds
- UMR 8562 - Centre Norbert Elias, EHESS, AU, CNRS, AMU, History and Museology
- UR 767 INRAE, ECODEV, Eco-development
- UPR 3788 -JPEG - Legal, Political, Economic and Management Sciences Laboratory Goods, Standards, Contracts
- UPR 4277 ICTT - Cultural Identity, Texts and Theatricality Laboratory
L'management team A doctoral thesis consists of a director and/or co-director and/or co-supervisors.
A thesis co-supervisor contributes to the supervision of the thesis without bearing the scientific responsibility, which lies exclusively with the director and/or co-director.
The thesis co-supervisors are chosen by the thesis director in agreement with the doctoral student. Co-supervisors may not be qualified to direct research (HDR). A supervision team may consist of a maximum of 3 persons (including co-supervisors and/or co-supervisors). The share of co-supervision per thesis is limited to 50% (the other half must be assumed by the director and the co-director); the cumulative rate of thesis co-supervision may not exceed 100%.
Involvement in a supervisory team must be indicated on the application for thesis registration made via the ADUM platform.
The doctoral student's resource conditions (doctoral contracts, CIFREs, scholarships from the Ministry of Foreign AffairsEPST grants, research contract funding, Jobs for Young Doctoral Students etc.) during the preparation of the thesis must be explicitly defined at the start of the thesis. Specific funding (doctoral contract, CIFRE contract, MAE, CNRS, ADEME grant, etc.) gives full-time doctoral student status.
ED 536's own system
All doctoral students (except co-tutors) must be funded. Mandatory prerequisite for registration: a minimum net monthly income equivalent to the current SMIC.
Doctoral Advisors mission in a company, administration or community
A doctoral student may be involved, for all or part of the three years of his/her thesis, in a project defined jointly with a company or organisation. His/her contribution to the project implies a regular presence at the partner's place, which must not exceed 32 days per year.
Applications are made via the Adum platform.
The topics will be posted online as they become available. We invite you to consult this page regularly: https://www.adum.fr/as/ed/proposition.pl?site=avignon
Audition procedure for ED 537 doctoral contracts:
15 min presentation by the candidate + 25 min discussion with the jury
A presentation with no more than 5 slides is recommended.
Slide 1: CV
Slides 2 to 4: research experience (M2 internship or other) or, failing that, a short presentation on a scientific subject of the candidate's choice that has aroused his/her particular interest during his/her training
Slide 5: coherence between the candidate's background, professional project and thesis topic
Audition procedure for ED 536 doctoral contracts :
10 min presentation by the candidate + 10 min discussion with the jury
A presentation with no more than 5 slides is recommended.
Slide 1: CV
Slides 2 to 4: research experience (M2 internship or other) or, failing that, a short presentation on a scientific subject of the candidate's choice that has aroused his/her particular interest during his/her training
Slide 5: coherence between the candidate's background, professional project and thesis topic
15 min presentation by the candidate + 15 min discussion with the jury
A presentation with no more than 5 slides is recommended.
Slide 5: coherence between the candidate's background, professional project and thesis topic
Online registration is compulsory and must be done between 1ᵉʳ July and the last week of November via the platform ADUM.
>> ADUM registration procedure
The application form in the first year of the thesis is composed of :
- the application for registration completed online
- the thesis charter
- the training contract
- l'Certificate of funding the funding organisation (except for doctoral students benefiting from an AU Doctoral Contract)
- the candidate's curriculum vitae
- description of the candidate selection process in a supporting letter from the thesis director: description in one paragraph of the number of candidates who applied for the thesis topic, the number of candidates who were selected/auditioned and the number of candidates who were ranked
The training contract specifies the following points:
- Rights and duties of the thesis director and the doctoral student
- PhD subject and degree discipline
- Funding conditions for the doctoral student
- Full or part-time doctorate (if part-time, professional status to be specified)
- Timetable of the research project
- Supervision arrangements (director, co-director, co-supervisor)
- Material conditions for carrying out the project and, if applicable, specific safety conditions
- Methods of integration into the laboratory
- Professional project of the doctoral student
- Individual training course linked to this personal project
- Objectives for the valorisation of research work
This training agreement may be modified at the time of re-registration by agreement signed by the parties.
Once their pre-registration has been validated on ADUM, students receive an automatic e-mail to finalise their administrative registration (including payment of registration fees).
An institutional address is then assigned to the doctoral student, in the form of prenom.nom@alumni.univ-avignon.fr. This address will serve as a communication link with the doctoral schools throughout the course and beyond.
Validation of registration for a doctoral thesis is pronounced by the head of the institution to which the research unit is attached on the proposal of the director of the ED.
Specific cases:
1) No Master's or Engineering degree
By way of derogation and on the proposal of the ED/CED office, the head of the institution may register students who have completed studies of an equivalent level abroad and who do not hold a Master's degree.
In addition to the enrolment application form, the application for exemption from the Master's course must include the following information:
- an official request from the applicant specifying the subject, the host laboratory and the funding conditions
- a letter from the thesis director supporting the application
- a detailed curriculum vitae of the applicant (including, if applicable, a transcript of records and a list of publications)
- copies of diplomas (translated into French, if necessary)
2) Co-supervision
The doctoral degree can be obtained as part of a cotutelle partnership between AU and a foreign university. In this case, the doctorate is supervised by an AU director and a co-director from the partner university. Doctoral students wishing to register as cotutelle students must submit the following documents to the ED, along with the registration authorisation file a request for authorisation to register as a co-tutor. The application form for authorisation to register as a joint supervisor of a thesis will be completed on the ADUM platform and validated by the thesis supervisor and the director of the Avignon Université research unit.
During their stay at Avignon Université, doctoral students must provide proof of a minimum monthly income equivalent to the current minimum wage. They may apply to the institution's Aides financières aux cotutelles programme (see "Aides à mobilité" in the section "Je suis actuellement en doctorat").
Once the application has been approved, a cotutelle agreement will be drawn up by the ED.
After a single defence, the doctorate will be awarded a double degree by the two partner universities.
3) Part-time doctorate
Certain doctoral projects can be carried out without doctoral funding (on a part-time basis). The following four conditions must be met:
- the doctoral student has another regular and qualified professional activity (secondary school teacher, doctor, self-employed professional, etc.);
- this activity cannot be suspended during the doctoral project;
- the doctoral student's career plan is consistent with the objective of obtaining a doctorate;
- the research problem will not suffer from the prolongation of the work (risks in the case of a competitive or rapidly evolving scientific context, which can rapidly render certain results obsolete).
In the case of a full-time activity, an amendment to the training agreement must be formalised between all the parties (doctoral student, doctoral director, doctoral school, employer for the research part and employer for the other activity) on the working time dedicated to the thesis.
Specific case of ED 537
Doctoral students without doctoral funding must ensure that they have the material and financial resources necessary to complete their doctoral project.
Avignon University offers a specific method of preparing for the doctorate when the candidate has already carried out research work in the course of his/her professional activity. This validation of acquired experience confers the grade of doctor of Avignon University, in the same way as the classic doctoral training. It only takes into account the work and studies written by the candidate at the time of submitting his/her application and does not require any new research a priori.
The procedure consists of three stages: verification of the admissibility of the application, assessment of the dissertation and the dissertation defence. Applications should be sent to the Lifelong Learning Department (SFTLVThe admissibility of the application is assessed :
- by a VAE advisor appointed by the Director of the SFTLV,
- by the doctoral school in which registration is requested.
Research-Creation Label
The Research-Creation Label (Label R-C) attests to an essential relationship to creative practice and to the epistemological framework of research developed in connection with writing a thesis. The quality of the theoretical essay and the artistic work is the basis for the value of the thesis, which may be in different disciplinary fields (e.g. comparative literature, performing arts (theatre, cinema, dance), information and communication, anthropology, cultural mediation, museology, aesthetics, digital), although this list is not restrictive. On the other hand, this label can only be attached to a discipline recognised by Avignon University.
Label of the Implanteus University Research School
The EUR Implanteus is a multi-disciplinary training programme involving Avignon University and the INRAE Regional Centre, designed to promote the sustainable production and consumption of safe and healthy fresh and processed fruit and vegetables in the context of the Mediterranean environment. The programme is divided into the following training blocks: plant production / plant matter processing / plant nutrition & health / interdisciplinary methods.
In partnership with ED536 Agrosciences & Sciences, the EUR Implanteus offers PhD students the opportunity to apply for the Label Implanteus.
The advantages of the Implanteus label
- 1000 euros to participate in an international congress abroad
- Authorisation to compete for the EUR Implanteus Thesis Award (see below)
Conditions for applying
The research must fall within the scope of the EUR's multidisciplinary programme.
The doctoral student undertakes to attend :
- EUR seminars (typically 6 per academic year)
- its annual summer school, with at least one oral presentation over the duration of the thesis
How to apply
Applications open: 1ᵉʳ September 2023 to 30 November 2023 inclusive
A letter addressed to the EUR Project Manager (sylvie.fayard@univ-avignon.fr)
- mentioning the title and summary of the thesis project
- including the above-mentioned commitments (seminars, summer school).
The EUR Executive Committee (possibly assisted by external experts) will select the winners for the label.
The application must imperatively take place during the 1ʳᵉ year of the doctorate from 2024/2025. Therefore, labelling applications are authorised for doctoral students already registered for 2022/2023 and 2023/2024.
This year, applications are made via the Adum platform.
The topics will be posted online as they become available. We invite you to consult this page regularly: https://www.adum.fr/as/ed/proposition.pl?site=avignon
Audition procedure for ED 537 doctoral contracts:
15 min presentation by the candidate + 25 min discussion with the jury
A presentation with no more than 5 slides is recommended.
Slide 1: CV
Slides 2 to 4: research experience (M2 internship or other) or, failing that, a short presentation on a scientific subject of the candidate's choice that has aroused his/her particular interest during his/her training
Slide 5: coherence between the candidate's background, professional project and thesis topic
>> Composition of juries for doctoral contract hearings in ED 537
Audition procedure for ED 536 doctoral contracts :
10 min presentation by the candidate + 10 min discussion with the jury
A presentation with no more than 5 slides is recommended.
Slide 1: CV
Slides 2 to 4: research experience (M2 internship or other) or, failing that, a short presentation on a scientific subject of the candidate's choice that has aroused his/her particular interest during his/her training
Slide 5: coherence between the candidate's background, professional project and thesis topic
>> Composition of juries for doctoral contract hearings in ED 536
15 min presentation by the candidate + 15 min discussion with the jury
A presentation with no more than 5 slides is recommended.
Slide 5: coherence between the candidate's background, professional project and thesis topic
To apply, you should contact the management team directly. Contact details can be found in the information sheets for each subject.
Regarding thehearing :
10 min presentation by the candidate + 10 min discussion with the jury
A presentation with no more than 5 slides is recommended.
Slide 1: CV
Slides 2 to 4: research experience (M2 internship or other) or, failing that, a short presentation on a scientific subject of the candidate's choice that has aroused his/her particular interest during his/her training
Slide 5: coherence between the candidate's background, professional project and thesis topic
You will find below the description of the doctoral contracts for the academic year 2022/2023. ⇒ CLOSED
Doctoral School 537 Culture and Heritage
- CIHAM Laboratory
Topic 1: The Court and the City: Cities, Elites and Powers (12th - 15th centuries)
Project leader: Guido CASTENUOVO
Topic 2: Leprosy and assistance establishments in the Comtat Venaissin in the Middle Ages. Historical and archaeological approaches
Coordinator: Marilyn NICOUD
Topic 3: Medicine, Health, Society (Medieval West, 12th-15th centuries)
Coordinator: Marilyn NICOUD
- ANHIMA Laboratory
Topic 1: The Diadochi and the sea: Cyprus, a stake in the Antigonid and Lagid thalassocracy (321-246)
Leader: Claire BALANDIER
Topic 2: Banking in Rome: the T+U triclinium, birth and development between East and West 2nd century BC- 2nd century AD
Leader: Eric MORVILLEZ
- Property, Standards, Contracts Laboratory
Topic 1: The use of independent administrative authorities in European digital regulation
Leader: Emmanuel NETTER
Topic 2: The elected⸱e⸱s in Wikipedia
Astroturfing and e-reputation between political peopling and control
Coordinator: Guillaume MARREL
Topic 3: Platforming of consumer law
Coordinator: Agnès MAFFRE-BAUGE
- ICTT Laboratory - Cultural Identity, Texts, Theatricality
Topic 1: Contemporary Spanish Art Brut: identity and inclusion
Coordinator: Antonia AMO-SANCHEZ
Topic 2: Stories of exile and immigration in theatre for young audiences at the Avignon Festival Off
Coordinator: Paola RANZINI
Topic 3: Dramatising the written and oral document: modalities and practices in France and Italy
Lead partner: Paola RANZINI and Valentina GARAVAGLIA
Doctoral School 536 Agrosciences and Sciences
Topic 1: Myocardial Regional Function in End-Stage Renal Disease: Mechanistic Approach and Cardio-protective Role of Exercise Rehabilitation - FORMIDABLE Clinical Trial
Lead partner: Philippe OBERT and Stephane NOTTIN
Topic 2: Vascular effects of leg immersion in warm water in arterial occlusive disease of the lower limbs
Coordinator: Sophie ANTOINE-JONVILLE and Agnes VINET
Topic 3: Effects of non-caloric sweetener consumption on biocommunication between adipose tissue and vascular function - a comparative study between a plant sweetener, thaumatin, and synthetic molecules
Coordinator: Guillaume WALTHER
Topic 1: Asymptotic study and control of coupled EDO-EDP systems in microbial ecology
Lead partner: Terence BAYEN and Jerome COVILLE
Topic 2: Estimation and interpolation for random fields
Project leaders: Delphine Blanke and Céline Lacaux
Subject : New chemical tools for the extraction and stabilisation of membrane proteins of therapeutic interest
Project leaders: Grégory Durand and Pierre Guillet
Doctoral contract for a specific institution SFR Tersys
Topic selected for the 2022 school year: Eco-extraction and encapsulation of xanthophylls from plant matrices in extremities to increase their stability and bioavailability
Lead partner: Christine CONTINO-PEPIN and Patrick BOREL
Doctoral contract for a specific institution EN Agorantic
Topic 1: The elected⸱e⸱s in Wikipedia
Astroturfing and e-reputation between political peopling and control
Lead partners: Guillaume MARREL and Pierre JOURLIN
Topic 2: Analysis of digital communication on climate change - Optimising the flow of knowledge between the scientific and public spheres
Lead partner: Didier JOSSELIN and Graham RANGER
Topic 3: Spectrality in 20th century ballets since the 'Spectre of the Rose
Lead partner: Paola RANZINI and Rémi RONFARD
PhD contract EUR Implanteus 100%
Topic 1: Effects of non-caloric sweeteners consumption on the crosstalk between adipose tissue and vascular function - a comparative study between a sweet-tasting plant protein thaumatin and artificial molecules
Initiator: Guillaume WALTHER (LaPEC) and Jean-François LANDRIER (C2VN)
Topic 2: New analytical developments for metabolomics and annotation of dyeing plant extracts: Applications in a cultural heritage context
Lead partners: Gérald CULIOLI (IMBE-IRPNC), Olivier DANGLES (SQPOV-MicroNut), Carole MATHE DE SOUZA (IMBE-IRPNC) and Olivier CHEVALLIER (PF 3A)
Half contract AU/EPST-EPIC
Topic 1: Design of numerical models and a tool to assist in the management of fruit processing: Process Analysis Technologies (PAT) for optimised quality processed fruit
Co-financing INRAE/TRANSFORM department
Project leaders: Alexandre LECA, Rapheal PLASSON, Sylvie BUREAU and Isabelle SOUCHON (SQPOV)
Half contract INRAE/Implanteus
Topic 2: Genetic and functional diversity of the NLRome/resistome in melon
Co-financing INRAE/BAP department
Project leaders Nathalie Boissot and Patricia Faivre Rampant (GAFL/PV)
To apply, you should contact the management team directly. Contact details can be found in the information sheets for each subject.
Regarding thehearing :
10 min presentation by the candidate + 10 min discussion with the jury
A presentation with no more than 5 slides is recommended.
Slide 1: CV
Slides 2 to 4: research experience (M2 internship or other) or, failing that, a short presentation on a scientific subject of the candidate's choice that has aroused his/her particular interest during his/her training
Slide 5: coherence between the candidate's background, professional project and thesis topic
You will find below the description of the doctoral contracts for the academic year 2021/2022.
Campaign closed for 2021/2022.
Doctoral contracts of the institution ED536
The research units which have been awarded a doctoral contract for the coming year are
- Avignon Computer Science Laboratory
Topic 1: Wellbeing - based on Artificial Intelligence of Objects in the online education system
Director: Abderrahim Benslimane
Topic 2: E-learning and scheduling of coflows in data centre networks
Direction: Francesco DE PELLEGRINI , Rosa FIGUEIREDO, Lin CHEN
Topic 3: Designing incentives for effective federated learning in a distributed system
Direction: Rachid Elazouzi, Mohamed Morchid
Topic 4: The use of Open Data in the Smart City: from theory to practice
Direction: Sérigne Gueye, Majed Haddad, Mohamed Morchid
Topic 5: Long Distance Electric Mobility: Modelling, Optimisation and Simulation
Direction: Tania Jiménez, Yezekael HAYEL
Topic 6: Transforming and reinforcing for learning conversational voice agents
Topic 7: Language processing and relationship modelling for unified representation of narrative documents
Management: Richard Dufour, Vincent Labatut
- UMR EMMAH - Mediterranean Environment and Agro-Hydrosystems Modelling
Topic 1: Modelling the processes behind the isotopic record of continental hydrosystems in limestone concretions
Thesis supervisors: Christophe EMBLANCH, Florent BARBECOT (GEOTOP, UQAM, Canada), Marina GILLON, Elisabeth GIBERT-BRUNET (UMR GEOPS, Université Paris Saclay)
Mail: marina.gillon@univ-avignon.fr
Topic 2: Characterisation of natural environments on a macroscopic scale by mechanical and electromagnetic wave approaches. Application to the study of the impact of water content on the physical characteristics of a heterogeneous medium.
Management team: Gaëlle LEFEUVE-MESGOUEZ, Slimane ARHAB
Topic 3: Models and analysis of seepage dynamics in double porosity media: application to mesopores
Thesis Director: Philippe Beltrame, Co-supervision: Stéphane Sammartino and Eric Michel
- UMR IMBE - Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Marine and Continental Ecology

- UMR Qualisud
Subject : Transcriptomic study of the effects of light spectrum changes in
post-harvest storage
Supervision: Huguette Sallanon, Christian Chervin, UMR INRAE-INP/ENSAT, Florence Charles, Mcf Post-harvest Physiology, UMR Qualisud, AU
Doctoral contracts of the institution ED537
The research units which have been awarded a doctoral contract for the coming year are
- Cultural Identity, Texts, Theatricality
Subject : Sound matter in the theatre of the intimate
Thesis supervisor: Nathalie Macé-Barbier
- Norbert Elias Centre - History of Modern and Contemporary Europe
Topic 2: Mediations at work to raise awareness of the olive tree's heritage
Thesis director: Éric TRIQUET (PR), Possible co-supervisor: Julie DERAMOND (MCF)
Topic 3: The economic policies of state assemblies (France, 17th-18th centuries)
Thesis director: Stéphane DURAND, co-supervisor: Boris DESCHANEL
Topic 4: Rewriting national narratives in Francophone West Africa through musical cultural heritage: a political issue and a quest for identity
Thesis Director: TRIQUET Éric
Doctoral contract for a specific institution EN Agorantic
The doctoral contract attributed by the University of Avignon to the FR Agorantic "Culture, Heritage, Digital Societies" is built around the concept of interdisciplinarity between the Human and Social Sciences and the Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies.
The call for proposals is open to students of any nationality, without age limit, according to the rules of the 2 ED 536 & 537 of the University of Avignon
The quality of the candidates is a major criterion for the selection of applications.
Proposed topics for 2021 :
Topic 1: The humanities and social sciences in the face of "data" Recompositions of research practices in the humanities and social sciences between openness and data protection
Thesis director: MARREL Guillaume; Co-director: RENAUD Lise; Co-supervisor: HAMZAOUI Ouassim (LBNC - CNE )
Topic 2: Opinion dynamics on digital social networks with user strategists
Director: HAYEL Yezekael; Co-director: MORAND Pierre-Henri (LIA- LBNC)
Topic 3: Generalization of robust projection models on massive multi-scale data.
Director: LACAUX Céline; o-director: JOSSELIN Didier (LMA - ESPACE)
Topic 4: How does data sharing contribute to better living in our urban lives?
Director: MORCHID Mohamed; Co-director: HADDAD Majed; Co-supervisor: KOUMPLI Christina (LIA - LBNC)
Topic 5: Knowledge, analysis and control of the spread of Fake News on social networks
Director: DUFOUR Richard; Co-directors: NETTER Emmanuel / EL AZOUZI Rachid (LIA - LBNC)
Topic 6: Wikipedia. Astroturfing and e-reputation between political peopolisation and digital participatory control of biographical work
Director: MARREL Guillaume; Co-director: LABATUT Vincent Labatut; Co-supervisor: JOURLIN Pierre (LBNC - LIA)
Topic 7: Health promotion and well-being in the online distance education system
Director: BENSLIMANE Abderrahim; Co-director: GIMELLO Frédéric (LIA-LCC)
Topic 8: Detection of events and extraction of interaction networks from biographical records and press articles
Director: DUFOUR Richard; Co-directors: MARREL Guillaume and LABATUT Vincent (LIA - LBNC)
The jury will be composed of members of ED 536 & 537, the two directors of the FR Agorantic, as well as external members, and will meet to select the best application.
Doctoral contract for a specific institution SFR Tersys
Here are the rules and criteria applicable to the doctoral contract of the SFR TERSYS. Are considered as eligible only the subjects entering within the framework of the scientific project of the SFR TERSYS:
- Priority is given to co-directorships involving two laboratories/partner units of the SFR TERSYS;
- Co-directors must be attached to ED 536 Sciences and Agrosciences;
- At least one of the two co-directors must be a teacher-researcher from the University of Avignon;
- Both co-supervisors must have the Habilitation to Supervise Research but the possibility of associating co-supervisors is recognised;
The call for proposals is open to students according to the rules of ED 536 Sciences and Agrosciences. They are open to students of any nationality;
The quality of the candidates is a major criterion for the selection of applications.
The jury will be composed of members of ED 536 & 537, the director of SFR Tersys, as well as external members, and will meet to select the best application.
Topic selected for the 2021 school year: " REVers : REVitalisation of vineyard soils by inoculation of earthworms "
Doctoral contract for a specific institution EUR Implanteus
The Executive Committee of theEUR Implanteus decided to retain without prioritisation the following two thesis projects for the period 2021-2024:
- Enhanced risk-based surveillance of Xylella fastidiosa
Director: GABRIEL Edith, DR INRAE, UR Biostatitistics & Spatial Processes
Co-director: IENCO Dino, CR-HDR, UMR TETIS, Montpellier University
- One-pot solvent-free extraction and encapsulation of xanthophylls from plant matrices to improve their stability and bioavailability
Director: CONTINO-PEPIN Christine, MCF-HDR, Bioorganic Chemistry and Amphiphilic Systems Unit, Avignon University
Co-director: Patrick BOREL, DR INRAE, UMR C2VN, Aix-Marseille University
Doctoral contract for a specific institution co-financing INRAE
Avignon University and the INRAE PACA Regional Centre wish to continue to develop their partnership on the Avignon site by supporting ambitious research projects involving units from both organisations.
In this respect, a PhD thesis support co-financed by Avignon University and INRAE will be opened during the academic year 2020/2021 (thesis start: September 2021).
This initiative aims to stimulate the emergence of new AU-INRAE collaborations or to strengthen existing ones.
Supervised by : Cindy Morris (HDR, PV INRAE), Annette Bérard (HDR, UMR 1114 EMMAH Avignon University-INRAE),
Clara Torres-Barceló (Plant Pathology INRAE)
Mis à jour le 21 January 2025