Financing your training

Financing your training

You are employed, jobseeker, self-employedYou are dependent on the continuing education" student status.
Your training has a cost and is eligible for funding.

Two steps to be carried out at the same time

Funding research stage

This step is essential and can take time, often several months (sometimes from 2 to 6 months). It is advisable to anticipate this sufficiently in advance of your entry into the course.
Depending on your situation, financing solutions can be considered.
The Lifelong Learning Department and its Resumption of Studies Unit are responsible for the search for funding and the administrative procedures involved in continuing education.


Selection and application stage

For educational information :
- see the corresponding page of the training catalogue
- contact the teaching team indicated in the contacts tab of each course

To apply and register:
- see the page : registrations
- and also the page : applications

Depending on the training course and your personal situation, the financing scheme may vary. It is important to differentiate between the costs of training on the one hand, and your remuneration during your training on the other.

the CPF Personal Training Account

From your first job to your retirement, you can accumulate euros in your CPF account for training.

First step:
Activate your Personal Training Account on the website

Second step: check that the course is eligible for the CPF. Bachelor's degrees, professional degrees and masters are all eligible for the CPF. Some university diplomas are also eligible.

List of courses at the University of Avignon eligible for the CPF

List of Avignon University courses eligible for funding from the Southern Region (on file only)

Please note that the fact that a training course is eligible does not mean that your funding is acquired: it is possible subject to the preparation of your application with your CEP and the agreement of the funding, under certain conditions.

A decree of 29 April 2024 sets out new obligations for using the CPF from 2 May 2024.. A compulsory flat-rate contribution of €100 has been introduced for people wishing to use their personal training account.

For the financing and preparation of your application, you can be assisted by your CEP professional development advisor

  • you are under 26 years old: contact the Mission Locale,
  • you have a disability: contact Cap Emploi
  • you are a manager or young person from higher education: contact theEPAC
  • you are a job seeker: contact Pôle Emploi

Orientation Hotline South Paca Region

call us on 0 800 600 007 - free service and call

You can also consult the website if you are unsure about your choice of direction.

The South Region supports the training courses of Avignon University, co-financing is possible, talk about it with your CEP professional development advisor!

1 - The Skills Development Plan

Each company must ensure that its employees are trained for their jobs and that their skills are maintained and developed within the company. In order to fulfil this mission, the employer must offer training courses provided for in the company's Skills Development Plan.
If you are an employee of a company with more than 300 employees :
contact your company's human resources department or management.
If you are an employee of a company with less than 300 employees :
contact your management and your OPCO

More information on the Competency Development Plan

2 - The CPF Personal Training Account

As an employee, you accumulate €500 on your CPF each year for full-time work, with a ceiling of €5000.
If you are an unqualified employee (below baccalaureate level), you will receive €800 and a ceiling of €8000.
First step:
Activate your Personal Training Account on the website

Second step: check that the training is eligible for the CPF
List of Avignon University courses eligible for CPF and supported by the South PACA Region (on files)

The training takes place during your working hoursThis requires the agreement of your employer. Please note that you must anticipate your request at least 120 days before the start of the course
The training takes place outside working hoursYou do not need your employer's consent.

You choose your CPF-eligible training.

Please note that the fact that a training course is eligible does not mean that your funding is acquired: it is possible - subject to the preparation of your application with your CEP and the agreement of the funders according to their conditions.

For the financing and preparation of your application, you can be assisted by your CEP professional development advisor.

3 - The Pro-A: retraining or promotion through work-linked training (replaces the professional training period)

The law of 5 September 2018 creates a new system to revitalise the training methods available to employees: retraining or promotion through work-linked training (Pro-A). In a context of major changes in the labour market, the Pro-A scheme enables employees, particularly those whose qualifications are insufficient in the light of changes in technology or the organisation of work, to promote their professional development or promotion and their continued employment.

For the employer, Pro-A meets two needs:

  • prevent the consequences of technological and economic change;
  • allow access to qualifications when the activity is conditional on obtaining a certification that can only be obtained in employment, via continuing training.

Retraining or promotion through work-linked training complements the company's skills development plan and the personal training account (CPF). Implemented on the initiative of the employee or the company, the Pro-A scheme can be mobilised with a view to career development, professional reorientation or the co-construction of qualification projects between employees and employers.
More information on the Pro-A device

4 - Alternation

Work-linked training is based on the combination of training time in a training establishment (theoretical training) and in the company where you work (practical training). There are two types of work-linked contracts: the apprenticeship contract and the professional training contract.

Why choose a sandwich course?
  • To obtain a diploma or a professional qualification;
  • To have professional experience in the chosen profession and to be quickly operational;
  • To earn a salary while studying;
  • Because it is an excellent springboard for employment.
The apprenticeship contract

The apprenticeship contract is an employment contract concluded between an employer and an employee. Its purpose is to enable a young person to follow a general, theoretical and practical training course with a view to acquiring a State diploma (CAP, BAC, BTS, Licence, Master, etc.) or a professional qualification registered in the National Register of Professional Certifications (RNCP), including all the professional qualifications covered by the ministry responsible for employment.
More information on the apprenticeship contract

The CFA Epure Méditerranée is the CFA for the Higher Education sector and supports the Avignon University in the development of its apprenticeship training.

The professionalisation contract

The professionalisation contract is an employment contract concluded between an employer and an employee. It enables the acquisition - within the framework of continuing education - of a professional qualification (diploma, title, certificate of professional qualification, etc.) recognised by the State and/or the professional sector. The objective is the integration or return to employment of young people and adults.
More information on the professionalisation contract


5 - The CPF for professional transition (replaces the CIF)

See the following box.

6 - Schemes for the self-employed

More information on the CPF for self-employed workers

1 - The CPF-TP Compte Personnel de Formation Transition Professionnelle (ex FONGECIF)

The CPF for professional transition is a special mobilisation of the CPF offering the possibility for employees to carry out a professional transition project in order to follow a training course for retraining on their own initiative. It is granted by the employer, and the employee is remunerated for the duration of the training under certain conditions.
The transitional CPF is independent of the company's skills development plan (formerly the training plan).
The transitional CPF may concern a training area different from the sector of professional activity.
More information on Transitions Pro Paca

2 - Resignation/reconversion

More information on the resignation/transformation scheme

the CPF Personal Training Account Public Servants

The personal training account (CPF) enables public servants to gain access to a qualification or to develop the skills needed to implement a professional development project. This project can be the preparation of a future mobility, promotion or professional reconversion. The CPF replaces the individual right to training (DIF).

the CFP Vocational Training Leave Public Servants

The purpose of professional training leave (PFL) is to allow you to follow, on your own initiative, personal training actions, independently of the participation in the actions provided for in the training plan of the local authority in which you work.

Professional training leave is open to all civil servants, whether permanent or contractual, in the three branches of the civil service.
Its purpose is to enable staff members to further their personal training through professional or personal training courses that are not offered by the administration, or for actions organised by the administration to prepare for administrative competitions. The first year of professional training leave entitles staff members to a fixed monthly allowance.
Conditions: there are conditions for access to this leave.

More information on the CFP

Employees, job seekers, self-employed

Resumption of studies

04 32 74 32 27 

Useful documents

Project sheet
Authorisation for registration

CPF Personal Training Account

CEP Conseil en Evolution Professionnelle