Human resources
It should also be noted that staff in charge of teaching and research are recruited differently from those in charge of the administration of the University.

It should also be noted that staff in charge of teaching and research are recruited differently from those in charge of the administration of the University.
The following presentations are taken from ministerial texts (Journal Officiel, Bulletin Officiel de l'Education Nationale, etc.) defining the functions of University staff; they can serve as a reference throughout the year.
Full professors and lecturers
University Professors and Lecturers have the dual mission of ensuring the development of Basic and Applied Research and of transmitting the knowledge resulting from it to students.
- University Professors are appointed by decree of the President of the Republic to a position in a Public Institution of Higher Education and Research. They have defended a Habilitation to Supervise Research (HDR) in addition to a doctoral thesis, have been registered on a national qualification list and have been chosen by the Board of Directors in restricted formation on the proposal of the Selection Committee.
- Lecturers are appointed by order of the Minister of Higher Education in a public institution of Higher Education and Research. They have defended a doctoral thesis, have been registered on a national qualification list and have been chosen by the Board of Directors in restricted formation on the proposal of the selection committee.
Level required: PhD.
Secondary school teachers
They participate in educational activities, mainly by teaching their subject in secondary schools, higher education institutions and training institutions of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research.
Level required: University degree + Agrégation (Professeur Agrégé) or CAPES (Professeur Certifié).
Contract teachers and lecturers
Hired for a fixed term, these staff are present at the University to assist the full professors. They may be recruited to assist in a joint professional activity (Associate Professors, Lecturers) or to prepare for full professor status (ATER, contractual doctoral student).
Associate professors (PAST)
They provide teaching activities in initial training. These teachers must have a main professional activity other than teaching and professional experience directly related to the speciality taught. They may be recruited as full-time or part-time associate professors or lecturers.
Level required: professional experience.
Temporary Teaching and Research Assistants (ATER)
They take part in the various obligations involved in their teaching activity: supervision of students, knowledge control and examinations. Being a Temporary Teaching and Research Associate allows you to prepare a thesis or to take competitive examinations in higher education while teaching, as a non-tenured government employee.
Level required: University postgraduate degree.
Contractual doctoral students
Students registered for a doctoral degree and receiving a research allowance may benefit from a single contract called "doctoral contract". The service of the contract doctoral student may be exclusively devoted to research activities related to the preparation of the doctorate or may include activities such as teaching as part of a teaching team.
Level required: University postgraduate degree.
Using their professional experience or post-graduate training, they are responsible for teaching in addition to the statutory staff.
Level required: Postgraduate degree and/or professional experience.
List of sections of the National Council of Universities (CNU)
The National Council of Universities (CNU) is the national body responsible for the recruitment and career management of teacher-researchers. Each section of the CNU is called upon for certain recruitment operations (notably qualifications) and for the management of the careers of lecturers and professors (promotion, reclassification). The members who sit in the CNU sections are elected by their peers for 2/3 of the seats and appointed by the Ministry for 1/3.
We suggest that you consult the list of CNU sections.
Permanent administrative, technical and library staff
At the University, they are called "BIATSS", this term designating "Library, Engineering, Administrative, Technical, Social and Health staff".
These include Research and Training Staff (ITRF) appointed within the institution to assist with research and training tasks, National Education and Higher Education Administration Staff (AENES) who may have a career in all the organisations of the education system and library staff with special statutes.
Category A staff
- Administrator of the National Education, Higher Education and Research Department
They are responsible, within the central administration, in the services with national competence, in the decentralised services placed under the authority of the ministers in charge of National Education, Higher Education and Research or Youth and Sports, as well as in the public establishments of an administrative nature, or of a scientific, cultural and professional nature under supervision, including local public establishments, for leadership, coordination, expertise or advisory functions involving the exercise of particularly important responsibilities.
Example at the University: Director of Finance, Procurement and Internal Control.
- School and University Administration Advisor (CASU)
They hold important management positions at all levels of the education system: Rectorates, Academic Inspectorates, Universities, University Teacher Training Institutes (IUFM), Local Public Education Establishments (EPLE), Large Establishments, CROUS, Central Administration, etc. They participate in the development and implementation of educational policy. They have administrative, economic, financial and accounting responsibilities.
Level required: University postgraduate degree.
Example at the University: Accounting officer.
- Research Engineer (IGR)
They participate in the implementation of research, training, management, knowledge dissemination and scientific and technical information development activities incumbent on the establishments where they work. They are responsible for guidance, leadership and coordination in technical or, where appropriate, administrative areas. They may have supervisory responsibilities, mainly in relation to technical staff.
Level required: University postgraduate degree.
Example at the University: Technical Director.
- General Curators
Conservators-General of libraries are responsible for the management and supervision of State libraries and public institutions, with the exception of heritage libraries. Conservators General of Libraries are entrusted with senior management, supervisory, coordination, study and advisory functions involving specific responsibilities. They may be entrusted, by order of the minister in charge of higher education, with general inspection missions.
Level required: The conservators general of libraries are appointed by decree, taken on the report of the minister in charge of higher education, after the opinion of the joint administrative commission, from among the chief conservators of libraries and the first class conservators registered on the table of promotion to the grade of chief conservator.
Example at the University: Director of the University Library.
- Curators
The curators of the libraries have the vocation to exercise the functions of direction and management of the libraries of the State and its public establishments, with the exception of the heritage libraries. By way of secondment or secondment, they may perform the same functions in classified municipal libraries and departmental lending libraries in the départements. The members of the corps of library curators constitute, organise, enrich, evaluate and exploit the collections, of all kinds, of libraries. They are responsible for this heritage. They organise public access to the collections and the distribution of documents for research, information or cultural purposes. The catalogues of the collections are established under their responsibility. They may participate in the training of professionals and the public in the fields of libraries and documentation, as well as in scientific and technical information in these same fields. They may be entrusted with management and coordination functions as well as with studies and consultancy involving specific responsibilities.
Level required: BAC +3 (external) or 4 years of service in a post covered by the law of 11 January 1984 (internal).
Example at the University: Head of the
development of the print collections at the University Library.
- National Education and Higher Education Administration Officers (ADAENES)
Their role is to prepare and apply administrative decisions and, almost always, to supervise. ADAENES carry out their duties in the administrative departments of the Ministry of Education as well as in educational establishments (secondary schools, colleges, higher education establishments), etc.
Level required: University graduate degree.
Example at the University: Administrative Manager of the Training and Research and Professional Integration Unit.
- Design Engineers (DE)
They shall contribute to the development of techniques and methods used in the institutions where they work, as well as to the organisation of their application and the improvement of their results. They contribute to the accomplishment of teaching tasks. They may perform administrative functions and assume supervisory responsibilities, mainly in relation to technical staff.
Level required: University graduate degree.
Example at the University: Project Manager in a Common Service.
- Assistant Engineers (ASI)
They are responsible for ensuring the preparation and control of the execution of technical or specialised operations carried out in the establishments where they work. They may be responsible for specific studies, for the development or adaptation of new techniques or methods. They contribute to the accomplishment of teaching tasks. They may be entrusted with administrative tasks.
Level required: Bac + 2.
Example at the University: Deputy Head of UFR-ip.
- Librarians
They perform their duties in the technical services and libraries of the Ministry of Higher Education or other ministerial departments. Librarians participate in the constitution, organisation, enrichment, evaluation, exploitation and communication to the public of library collections of all kinds. They also contribute to the tasks of animation and training within the establishments to which they are assigned and may be called upon to carry out supervisory tasks.
Level required: BAC +3 (external) or 4 years of service in a post covered by the law of 11 January 1984 (internal).
Example at the University: Responsible for the Library Management Software (SIGB) at the University Library.
Category B staff
- Secretaries of Administration of National Education and Higher Education (SAENES)
They carry out administrative tasks (drafting, accounting, control and analysis) and may be entrusted with the coordination of several administrative and financial sections or with the responsibility of an office.
Level required: Bac.
Example at the University: Secretary of Department.
- Research and training technicians
They provide technical advice and assistance. They carry out, if necessary, direct professional interventions with staff. They may also be responsible for supervising one or more groups of maintenance and reception workers, professional workers or master workers in educational establishments.
Level required: Bac.
Example at the University: Computer Technician.
- Specialist Assistant Librarians (SARs)
They perform their duties in libraries under the authority of the Ministry of Higher Education or other ministerial departments (in particular the Ministry of Culture). Specialised assistant librarians carry out specialised tasks in the field of the treatment and conservation of collections of all kinds as well as in their documentary management. They make the resources
They welcome, inform and inform users. They welcome, inform and educate users.
> Specialized assistant librarians, normal grade
Level required: Bac.
> Level required: Bac + 2 (DUT, DEUST in book and documentation professions).
Example at the University: Cataloguer of collections at the University Library.
Category C staff
- Administrative Assistants in National Education and Higher Education (ADJAENES)
They carry out administrative tasks involving the knowledge and application of administrative regulations. They may be entrusted with secretarial or managerial duties in a secondary school or higher education establishment, as well as in an administrative structure of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research, or the Ministry of Sports.
Level required: BEP, CAP, DU.
Example at the University: Secretary.
- Technical Research and Training Assistants 2nd class, 1st class, principal 2nd class and principal 1st class (ATRF)
They carry out the qualified tasks required for the implementation of the various activities of the establishments where they work. In this capacity, they contribute to the accomplishment of teaching missions. Technical assistants work in higher education establishments, major scientific and literary establishments, institutions under supervision and IUFMs.
Level required: BEP, CAP, DU.
Example at the University: Biology preparator.
They are responsible for the execution of internal service tasks. They work in higher education establishments, major scientific and literary establishments, institutions under supervision and IUFMs.
Level required: No diploma requirements.
Example at the University: Technical assistance in the building industry.
- Library shops
They perform their duties in libraries under the authority of the Ministry of Higher Education or other ministerial departments (in particular the Ministry of Culture). They are responsible for the material management of collections and the communication of documents.
Level required: BEP, CAP, Brevet des collèges.
Example at the University: In charge of loans and returns of documents at the University Library.
Contractual staff in administration, research and libraries
They are usually recruited for a fixed term and can occupy all levels of responsibility.
List of Professional Activity Branches (PAB)
The Professional Activity Branches (BAP) make it possible to describe the way in which the jobs of engineers and technical research and training staff (ITRF) of public scientific, cultural and professional establishments are distributed.
BAP A Life Sciences (SV)
BAP B Chemical Sciences Materials Sciences (SCSM)
BAP C Engineering Sciences and Scientific Instrumentation (SIIS)
BAP D Human and Social Sciences (SHS)
BAP E Computer Science, Statistics and Scientific Computing (ICS)
BAP F Information, Documentation, Culture, Communication, Publishing, ICT (IDCCET)
BAP G Heritage, Logistics and Prevention and Restoration (PLPR)
BAP J Management and Steering (new nomenclature) (GP)
Human Resources Department
Social balance sheets
Single Social Report
Gender pay gap at Avignon university
Mis à jour le 9 January 2025