Avignon University

Actualités à la une

[PhD defence] 26/07/2024 - Emma Caullireau: "Induction or restriction of bacterial virulence: the role of time and environment in the outcome of plant-pathogen interaction" (UPR 407 - PV - Plant pathology)

11 July

[Defence of thesis] 15/07/2024 - Sahand KHODAPARAS TALATAPEH : " Orchestration et optimisation du cache dans les réseaux IoT " (UPR 4128 - LIA - Laboratoire d'Informatique d'Avignon)

10 July

Inauguration of the shared vegetable garden: an educational and ecological project at the heart of the Jean-Henri Fabre campus

08 July

Work: modernisation and extension of the agroparc university restaurant

03 July

Student recruitment for the 2024-2025 academic years

02 July

Get tickets for the Avignon Festival with your Culture Patch

01 July

Évènements à venir

Aucun évènement pour le moment

Actualités par composante

UFR Arts, Letters and Languages

Musical talk by the Quatuor Girard led by Mickaël Samoy

21 February

UFR Humanities and Social Sciences

[Distinction] The Mission archéologique à Paphos (MafaP) directed by Claire Balandier receives the label of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres

21 March

UFR Sciences, Technologies, Health

[Thesis defense] 25/04/2024 - Imen BEN-AMOR, "Deep modelling based on the notion of voice attributes for explicable speaker recognition: application to the forensic domain"(LIA)

17 April

UFR Law, Economics, Management

AED eloquence competition

24 October

University Institute of Technology

European Life VineAdapt project at the IUT in Avignon

27 October

Continuing Education


23 March