Students from outside Avignon University

A) Admission procedure on the Parcoursup platform.

This applies to students wishing to enrol in the first year of a degree course.

Connection to the website Parcoursup.

Consult the FAQ-Parcoursup

To find out the composition of wish examination committees at Avignon University,click here.

The decision support tool is used by courses according to pre-defined criteria published on the Parcoursup platform.

In accordance with the decision of the Constitutional Council, the reports of the wish examination commissions will be posted on the course pages at the end of the complementary phase.

You have received a "yes/no" admission proposal for the University of Avignon. You must have an appointment with an orientation engineer to finalise your administrative registration in click here.

B) Validation of studies

This includes:

  • Students transferring from one university to another, for registration in a 2nd or 3rd year Bachelor's degree
  • Students with a 1st year Master's degree who wish to enrol in the 2nd year Master's programme.

Connection to the study validation.

C) Welcome cards

This includes:
  • Students transferring from one university to another and continuing their studies in the same field (except for Licence 1, Master 2nd year and fields with application file)
  • For enrolment in the Capacity of Law
Connection to the welcome card.

D) Application form

Some courses are only accessible after studying a application form.

E) Admission procedure on the My Master platform:

This applies to students wishing to apply for a Master 1. MonMaster platform.