Editorial Committee

  • Jacky Barbe, Director of the University Library of Avignon University
  • Aurélia Barrière, Scientific mediation officer - Communication engineer
  • Yves Caron, Editor
  • Guido Castelnuovo, Director of EUA (Professor, History, UFR SHS, CIHAM - UMR 5648)
  • Julie Deramond (MCF, Information and Documentation Sciences, UFR SHS, Centre Nobert Elias - UMR 8562)
  • Cyrielle Garson (MCF, English, UFR ALL, ICTT Laboratory - EA 4277)
  • Madelena Gonzalez (Professor, English, UFR ALL, Director of the ICTT Laboratory - EA 4277)
  • Georges Linarès, President of Avignon University
  • Christèle Lagier, (MCF, Political Science, UFR DEG, Laboratoire BNC)