Lessons from the University

Lessons from the University in 2017
Villa Créative Supramuros, Louis Pasteur site

  • Monday 17 July - 1pm/14pm: Lesson by Thomas Quillardet
  • Tuesday 18 July - 1pm/14pm: Tiago Rodrigues' lesson
  • Wednesday 19 July - 1pm/14pm: Lesson by Emma Dante
The Université d'Avignon has been associated with the Festival d'Avignon since 2005 through the Leçons de l'Université. Each year, during the Festival d'Avignon, the University invites personalities from the world of culture and entertainment to give a one-hour lecture introduced by an academic.

They give rise to publications by the Éditions Universitaires d'Avignon and thus allow the promotion of the invited personalities and the festival's programme. Since 2008, the University of Avignon has also revived the Vilarienne tradition by proposing open-air film screenings.

These lessons are organised, within the framework of the Avignon Festival, with the city's privileged cultural partners. Their aim is to allow personalities from the world of culture to establish direct contact with the public, without a mediator.

The Creative Villa - Supramuros - Pasteur site of the University of Avignon will be a central place of thought, debates, intellectual and scientific exchanges of the Festival d'Avignon. The University has chosen to make available to the Festival its "totem building", a real platform dedicated to entrepreneurship and innovation through research in different fields of culture, which will allow innovation and creation beyond the walls: Supramuros.

In addition to hosting performances, the University tends to become the place for reflection and professionalization of the Festival. Several professional structures from the world of culture meet at the University for their annual meetings during the Festival, such as the A+U+C network.

The Leçons de l'Université are transcribed and published by the Editions Universitaires d'Avignon.

Lessons from the University