Public procurement


Avignon University develops a programme of artistic, scientific and cultural education every July as part of the Avignon Festival.

With the desire to build this programme around its mission of disseminating scientific culture, it is looking for one or more structures capable of making a statement about artistic creation in the arts and sciences in the field of live performance in order to implement a cooperation, without any financial compensation, with the aim of organising free public performances open to the public, and in particular to the university community. An agreement will be concluded with the selected structure.

The open-air performances will take place at the University: 74 rue Louis Pasteur, 84029 Avignon Cedex 1, in a space known as "Parc", with an authorised capacity of 120 people maximum.
Performance period: from Monday 4 to Friday 15 July 2022, during the University's opening hours (8 a.m. to 8 p.m.) and excluding weekends and public holidays.

The structure must be able to be autonomous in the administrative, legal, financial and logistical implementation of the performances and undertakes to respect the attached specifications.

Interested organisations must provide the following information by 22 June by e-mail to

- The specifications signed and preceded by the words "I certify that I have read this document and undertake to respect it".

- A descriptive note of the structure and the proposed creations (3 pages maximum)

- A project for the layout of the stage area and the audience, taking into account the configuration of the site.

- A certificate of civil liability insurance

- A certificate of property insurance covering the following risks:

> Fire, lightning, explosion, implosion

> Electrical accidents

> Storms, hurricanes, cyclones, hail, weight of snow, ice, water on roofs

> Fall of air navigation devices and spacecraft, sound barrier, impact of a land vehicle

> Water damage and frost

> Water run-off

> Leakage and blockage detection costs

> Acts of vandalism or sabotage

> Acts of terrorism and terrorist attacks, strikes, riots, civil commotion

> Theft, glass breakage, breakage of machinery and refrigeration systems, if any

> Recourse by neighbours and third parties

> Natural disasters


1. Commitment to the conditions of use of the premises and spaces :

- To manage the Occupied Spaces "as a good father of the family", with the exception of charges that
Paragraph 2 of Article 1720 of the Civil Code places the responsibility on the owner.

- Ensure the cleanliness of all occupied spaces.

- Respect and enforce :

- Public order, and in particular peace, safety, public health, public morality and human dignity,

- The image of Avignon University, to which these activities must in no way be detrimental

- General and specific fire safety instructions
provided by Avignon University,

- The internal regulations of Avignon University and particularly the prohibition
smoking on the premises,

- The authorised time slots, (8am - 8pm)

- The authorised capacity (120 maximum - including the team)

2. Commitment to the technical conditions of implementation :

- Designing the site to provide a quality reception for the public.

- Provide a site plan and a list of installed equipment at least 15 days before the event
the start of the performances. The University reserves the right to request
modifications to these elements if the structure does not comply with the safety, security and
safety and reception of the public.

- Ensuring the compliance of all structures, materials and equipment
equipment and its installation, in compliance with current safety standards. Avignon Université does not guarantee the resistance of the floors or their compliance with the rules governing the installation of bleachers.

- Provide proof of correct assembly for all installed equipment before the start of the

- To set up the equipment in collaboration with Avignon Université, which will provide logistical and technical advice, particularly with regard to the following operations:

- Definition of the authorized perimeter for the conduct of the Activities; implementation of the
safety barriers at the places deemed necessary; drawing up an inventory of fixtures
and any observations recorded in a document drawn up at the time of delivery
of the keys to the premises and at the end of the agreement.

- To be in charge of and responsible for all technical and logistical equipment required
the conduct of activities

3. Commitment to the conditions of communication about the event :

- Transmit the communication elements (presentation text, visual and logo) in
the deadline indicated by the University

- Include the University's logo on its communication materials relating to the event

4. Commitment on the legal conditions of implementation :

- Obtaining all necessary prior authorisations for the proper execution of the
Activities and release Avignon University from any liability.

- Assume sole criminal, civil and financial responsibility for any breach
including legislation and its obligations in the field of tax and social law. The
structure is in any case jointly and severally liable for damage caused by
any natural or legal person acting on its behalf.

5. Commitment to the working conditions of teams and staff:

- Be in charge of and responsible for the technical and stage management teams required for the
assembly, dismantling, and running of the event, including the service of
cleaning of the areas provided.

- Declare and pay any staff it employs in the context of the
Activities. Coordinating the stakeholders and the relationship between them.
these with Avignon Université, it being established that the Occupier is Avignon Université's sole interlocutor with regard to the other partners.

6. Commitment to the safety conditions of the project:

- Proceed as soon as possible and no later than 9 July, with the safety engineer
d'Avignon Université, or another person authorised for this purpose by Avignon Université, to visit the Spaces and access routes that will actually be used in order to observe
the location of alarm devices, extinguishing equipment (fire extinguishers, water taps, etc.) and the location of the fire extinguishing system.
(e.g. fire extinguishers, etc.) to be aware of evacuation routes and exits
of relief.

- To ensure the safety of goods and people in all the Spaces within the framework of
Activities. It is responsible for implementing all necessary procedures
and appropriate measures to that end.

- Ensure access control to the Spaces used for the planned Activities
by convention.

- Carry out access control of participants to activities, visual control of bags
at the entrance to the spaces

- To assume the financial burden of the security guards mobilised for their activity on
deposit of Avignon University

- Comply with the requirements and safety measures of the regulations in force, including
included in the internal regulations of Avignon University

- In the event of an incident, inform the contact persons designated by Avignon as soon as possible
Any damage caused during the use of the equipment must be reimbursed to
Avignon Université. Avignon Université will be responsible for drawing up estimates for repairs, which will be re-invoiced to the structure. The repair work will be carried out under the supervision of the Avignon Université Property Management Department.


Avignon University's consultations are published in the BOAMP (

Companies can withdraw the consultation file (DCE) on the website at the following address

Avignon University, in accordance with Decree 2016-360 of 25 March 2016, invites applications each year for all its supplies and services under 90,000 euros, particularly in the following areas

  • fuels at the pump
  • maintenance and planting of green areas
  • electrical equipment
  • office supplies
  • hotels (overnight stays etc)
  • laboratory materials and equipment
  • preventive medicine
  • furniture
  • tools
  • hardware
  • consultancy services (audits, expert reports, advice and other legal services)
  • computer and related services
  • catering services / meal trays
  • health services for students
  • waste treatment
  • all trades
  • work clothes

Market contacts

Procurement Department (box 36)
74, rue Louis Pasteur
84029 AVIGNON Cedex 1

Tel: +33(0)4 90 16 28 42
E-mail :