Presidency / Directorate General Services


The University is headed by a President elected by an absolute majority of the elected members of the Board of Governors. The President's term of office is four years and is renewable once.

The President is assisted by three First Vice-Presidents elected by their respective Boards (Board of Directors, Research Commission and Training and University Life Commission) and by Deputy Vice-Presidents.

He has authority over all the staff of the University.
He is the authorising officer for expenditure and revenue.
He is responsible for maintaining order and represents the University to the outside world.

The Director General of Services exercises, under the authority of the President, the functions of Director General of Administrative Services. He assists the President in all circumstances of the administrative life of the institution. To this end, he has a general delegation of signature.


  • Presidency / General Secretariat

President : Philippe ELLERKAMP (2015- )

Director General of Services: Stéphane BOURDAGEAU

  • Vice Presidents

Vice President for University Life: Audrey ABONNEN

Vice President for International Relations: Anne-Sylvie TIXIER


74 rue Louis Pasteur
84029 Avignon cedex 1

+33 (0)4 90 16 25 25