[Portrait] Victoria Vidau, Financial Manager of Research Laboratories

What is your job?

I first worked for a few years in the private sector. Then, after jobs in other administrations (CAF, DDASS, MSA), I joined the Avignon University in 2006 within the STS UFR. My position has evolved within the structure. My functions as a financial manager in the General Service, then in the IMBE, CBSA and lastly EMMAH laboratories have enabled me to have extensive knowledge in the financial area and especially in the research axis.

What is its link with Research?

The financial manager is an integral member of the research team. It is the indispensable intermediary between the needs and expectations of researchers and financial and administrative needs and obligations. Project leaders consult us for advice and information on budgets, expenses and the use of the various credit envelopes. Moreover, when recruiting, the manager also provides support between the teacher-researcher, the selected researchers and the central services.

What does it mean to you to work at a university?

Working in an academic institution allows everyone to develop and flourish in a privileged environment. The contact with different audiences is enriching, it encourages open-mindedness and adaptability. For me, it is also a place of exchange and communication, which allows us to develop and consolidate our knowledge. It is a place where many areas can be discovered through constant sharing between all.

What advice would you give to people who want to work in research support?

We often have different backgrounds, the paths that led us to these positions are often diverse. I think it is important to be able to adapt and communicate. Interaction and exchange are essential for the successful performance of our jobs. Collaboration with other departments and disciplines is essential to achieve a common goal. All profiles and career paths can find their place within the university. Everyone can learn from each other.

What object or image from your business best illustrates you?

Below are examples of funders for research laboratories that are monitored by the managers.
I have to keep an eye on the constraints of each type of funder on a daily basis and take into account the particularities of the different contracts, which requires adaptability and flexibility.