Innovation Passport


Avignon University's resources at the service of companies' R&D!

What if the scientific and technical expertise of teacher-researchers, doctoral students and graduate students were involved in your product development projects?

What if the equipment in our laboratories, the IUT and our technological platforms contributed to your innovation or to the resolution of your technical problems?

This is what the new business support scheme proposes: Passport Innovation Enterprise.

The programme at a glance

A device that goes further than a traditional hackathon

Most innovation marathons (hackathons and start-up weekends) are very concentrated events (2 to 3 days maximum) that allow a wide range of players to come together around an innovative project, more or less mature, with the aim of innovating in a disruptive way, reinventing products or testing ideas that have been "put on the shelf".

These schemes employ modern methods of innovation management and stimulation of collective intelligence (lean start-up, design thinking, jugaad innovation, No-Code..).

The event we are proposing is an opportunity to discover these agile methods of innovation through the concrete progress of industrial or service projects.
There are many variations of innovation marathons. The one we present proposes to extend this type of scheme over a longer period by including work periods before and after the flagship event itself (the hackathon).

This unique formula should make it possible to propose solutions with a higher scientific and technical added value than for most short events, which are often limited to "immaterial" results. Indeed, the latter often last two days and have little time to address the proposed topics from the engineering point of view and thus the operational implementation of the ideas and results emanating from the hackathon.

With Passeport Innovation Entreprise, we propose that all or part of the project team joins the company to carry out an internship of at least 2 months to pursue the work undertaken in concrete terms.

The system provides each project with students from Avignon University enrolled in the Master of Engineering programme (the University's engineering degree), students from the IUT, Licence 3, Master 1 & 2 and doctoral students. The aim here is to take advantage of the mix of technical profiles and skills available at the University.

These teams will be technically supervised by teacher-researchers from research laboratories or the IUT. The entire programme will be coached and led by management experts from different fields (competitiveness clusters, French tech, university, etc.)

The interest for your company and your project

Passeport Innovation Entreprise is a support programme that mobilises the know-how of AVIGNON UNIVERSITY to contribute to the competitiveness of companies:
- Explore and capture new markets
- Boost the innovation of your products or services
- Facilitate the removal of scientific and technical barriers
- Establish direct connections with research laboratories and the IUT
- Take advantage of several weeks of technical expertise from graduate students, doctoral students and teacher-researchers
- Benefit, through your project team, from the equipment of our laboratories and technological platforms
- Recruit for at least two months one or more paid internship students who will already have a good knowledge of your company and a good knowledge of the project to which they have already contributed

The interest for our University

The aim of this scheme is to contribute to the achievement of our mission of promoting know-how and research results by encouraging the economic development of companies.

It is also a way to contribute to the training and knowledge of the socio-economic mode by the students. This is why, at the end of the operation and if their contribution is validated, each one will be delivered a " business innovation passport "We hope that this additional mention on their C.V. will contribute to their professional integration and develop their employability. We hope that this additional mention on their CV will contribute to their professional integration and develop their employability.

Participating in this scheme is therefore a reciprocal commitment on the part of the students, the University and the companies.
This is why, very early on in the implementation of the next edition of the scheme, we will approach each of the companies selected to assess the possibilities of internships in terms of HR and their possible funding needs.

We hope that you will give a warm welcome to this new initiative of our territory and above all, as this is a new operation, that you will let us know as of now what changes we can make so that this system also becomes yours!

The Avignon University team, Innov-Alliance (ex Terralia-Pass)

 >> Respond to the call for proposals <<

To contact us :

For Avignon University:
Tel: +33 (0)4 90 16 28 47

For Innov'Alliance (ex Terralia-Pass) :
Annabelle PAYEN
Innovation Manager
Tel: +33 (0)6 14 33 69 83