UPR 4277 ICTT - Cultural Identity, Texts and Theatricality Laboratory

The team includes 35 specialist researchers and 27 doctoral students in the following fields: English, German, Spanish, Humanities, Classics, Italian.
The main objectives are:
- to consider issues related to identity and its representations, particularly in minority environments and in societies marked by profound upheavals, such as postcolonial societies or societies in transition, and to confront them with the disciplinary fields from which the team's researchers come: literature, aesthetics, civilisation, linguistics;
- to develop specific research in theatre, approached from a textual angle and in synergy with the particularly rich regional cultural environment.
Three subject areas are involved:
- literature ;
- civilisation ;
- linguistics.
On the Internet http://ictt.univ-avignon.fr/
Graham Ranger
- Axis 1: Nathalie Macé, Jean-Claude Ternaux
- Axis 2: Anika Falkert, Anne Paoli
Elsa Cavalié
Courses offered
- Master Languages, Literatures, Translation and Cultures (6 courses)
- Master's Degree in Literature, Theatre, Arts and Cultures (Humanities)
Research activities
- The theatre of minorities.
- Literary aesthetics in the age of globalisation.
- Technological innovation in the contemporary novel.
- La francophonie in the globalized world.
- The study of the linguistic and cultural dimension of the migratory experience, involving the questioning of identity.
- The question of quotation and rewriting in relation to the theatrical text.
ICTT has many regional partners and has already held study days and international conferences with :
- The Jean Vilar House;
- la Scène Nationale, Théâtre de Cavaillon ;
- CNES at La Chartreuse in Villeneuve-lès-Avignon;
- the Avignon Conservatory of Dramatic Art;
- the Avignon Festival;
- UMR 8210 AnHima ;
- UMR 5648 CIHAM ;
- University of Paris 4 (VALE, PRITEPS, LAPS);
- University of Paris 7 (CERILAC);
- Aix-Marseille University (CIELAM);
- University of Milan;
- University of Venice;
- University of Barcelona.
There are also partnerships and collaborations with :
- University of Rome;
- University of Ulster;
- University of Kent;
- University of Laval ;
- University of Ottawa ;
- Simon Fraser University;
- Hanoi University;
- University of Mexico ;
- the French Association for Canadian Studies.
ICTT is also a member of the GIS l'Institut des Amériques.
Further information
Skills and know-how
- Elaboration of a thought (in five languages) on literary, linguistic and civilisation phenomena in various geographical areas (Africa, Latin America, Australia, Canada, India).
- Organisation of international study days and conferences in several languages.
- Production of monographs and collective works in five languages for an international audience.
- Extensive written and spoken language skills in German, English, Spanish, French and Italian.
- Language skills in ancient languages (Greek and Latin).
- In-depth analysis and synthesis of literary texts. Analysis of civilizational and linguistic supports such as images and tables...
- Qualitative and quantitative analysis of questionnaires.
Hannah Arendt Campus, Sainte Marthe site
North building
74 rue Louis Pasteur, 84 000 Avignon
+33 (0)4 90 16 27 04
Identity / Theatre / Minorities / Texts / Theatricality / Globalisation / Aesthetics / Representation
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Mis à jour le 14 November 2024