Internships and jobs
Information on the job market :
- Company directories Kompass and
- The Job centre and theEPAC and more specifically its Young graduates
- The DARES (Direction de l'animation de la recherche, des études et des statistiques) publishes Employment, labour and vocational training policy scoreboard
Information on the employment market in the region :
- The Cité des métiers Paca
- Regional Directorates for the Economy, Employment, Labour and Solidarity (DREETS)
- The portal South-facing in PACA
- The CCI of the Vaucluse
- Economic strengths and weaknesses of the 22 employment areas from INSEE
- The publications of theORM PACA (regional careers observatory)
Setting up a business or activity :
- Créo Vaucluse network to encourage business start-ups in Vaucluse
- the association Warehouses in Vaucluse which helps students set up their own business
- Business start-up assistance from the CCI (Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
- The business creation page of the Pôle-emploi
- the business start-up agency PACE and the IRCE
- The official portal for self-employed entrepreneurs
- L'Adieassociation pour le droit à l'initiative économique (association for the right to economic initiative)
- The Bpifrance and its national competition for innovative business start-ups
- The national status ofstudent-entrepreneur according to the Higher Education and Research website
Job sites :
- TheApec job offers section websites, , , Glassdoor
- and also Keljob, Cadresonline, Monster, Adecco , Manpower , Career option, Adzuna , jobted , jooble
- In the IT sector
- helps higher education and universities recruit national and international talent.
- In Agri-food, Agriculture and Environment : Jobagri , l'APECITA FRIAA website
- And also Force Cadresan association that hasccompanies young graduates and university alumni in their job search
Internship websites :
- The Ministry of Education and Research publishes the Guide to student placements in France and abroad
- the site trainee's guide offers internship vacancies, advice on finding an internship and a reminder of the new rules (internship agreement and intern's rights), ...
- Apec_Rubrique stages and work placements from Onisep
- Capcampus.com_Internships section and Iquesta.com_internship offers
- ;
Employment and disability :
- The site My Disability Journey a platform for information, guidance and services for people with disabilities and their carers (see also the Secretary of State for the Disabled)
- The site Handipole employment, training and integration of disabled people.
- The association ARPEJEH : training, qualifications and employment for disabled people.
- The FIPHFP Fund for the integration of disabled people into the civil service
- The sites , HandiQuesta , Mission;
- Hanvol recruits disabled workers in the aeronautics industry
Mis à jour le 2 July 2024