Call for applications: Avignon Université will shortly be appointing 4 external members to its Board of Governors.

News 13 October 2023

Avignon Université is renewing its Board of Directors. It will shortly be appointing 4 external members:

  • 1 person holding a general management position in a company 
  • 1 representative of employee organisations
  • 1 representative of a company with fewer than 500 employees
  • 1 representative of a secondary school

They will be chosen on the basis of gender parity, their involvement in teaching and research, and above all their willingness to support the university for a 4-year term.

Sitting on the Board of Governors means getting involved in the projects of a university recognised for the quality of its courses and the excellence of its research, in the service of its young people and its region.

Additional information:

Please send your application to before noon on Thursday 9 November 2023.