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[Café des sciences] "Towards the infinitely small: the invisible particles that surround us" by Élisabeth Petit, CNRS researcher at the Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS/IN2P3)

Thursday 15 February 2024 "Towards the infinitely small: the invisible particles that surround us" by Élisabeth Petit, CNRS researcher at the Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS/IN2P3) Guest speaker: Elisabeth Petit, CNRS researcher at the Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS/IN2P3), CNRS 2022 bronze medallist, [...]

Road safety day on the H. Arendt campus

Hannah Arendt Campus

Campus Hannah Arendt, from 8am to 5pm: Stands on road safety, rollover car, workshops... A day to find out more about road safety and prevention: speeding, alcohol, drugs... but also to find out more about soft mobility and safety. Organised in conjunction with the Préfecture de [...]

[Midisciences] "How to break the invisibility of cancers of occupational and environmental origin? Multidisciplinary action research (GISCOPE 84)" by Moritz Hunsmann

Hannah Arendt Campus

On 22 February, Moritz Hunsmann, sociology researcher at the CNRS and co-director of the Scientific Interest Group on Occupational and Environmental Cancers in the Vaucluse (GISCOPE 84), will host a Midisicence on the theme:

Distribution of "C'est réglé" menstrual kits JH Fabre Campus

Jean-Henri Fabre Campus

Students who have booked and ordered a free menstrual kit will be able to collect it (with their student card) from the 2 campuses: Campus Hannah Arendt: Wednesday 21 February 2024 from 11.30am to 2pm in room 0E14 (north building) Campus Jean-Henri Fabre: Tuesday 5 March 2024 from 11.30am to 2pm in the [...].

[Midisciences] "Environmental changes and territories" by Johnny Douvinet (ESPACE)

Hannah Arendt Campus

Date and place: 14/03/2024 from 1pm to 2pm Avignon Université, Campus Hannah Arendt, room 2E01 Live on Canal U Free admission, For non-members of Avignon Université, please indicate your presence in advance at midisciences@univ-avignon.fr On 14 March, a Midisicence will be held, chaired by Johnny Douvinet, Professor of Geography (UMR ESPACE/Avignon Université), on the theme [...].

[JPEG Seminar] Session of 15 March 2024 - Open Source contributors, "court painters"? Investigating the continuities of free and paid work in the production of free software - 10am - room 1W48

Hannah Arendt Campus

The Laboratoire des sciences Juridiques, Politique, Économiques et de Gestion is pleased to welcome Gabriel Alcaras*, Doctor of Sociology - Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Sciences Innovations Sociétés (LISIS) ATER at the Université Gustave Eiffel, for a seminar entitled Les contributeurs du libre, des " peintres de cour " ? An investigation into the [...]

[Midisciences] "Comparison of canopy structure between mixed and monospecific forests using terrestrial LiDAR" by Charlie Teurnier

Jean-Henri Fabre Campus

Date and place: 21/03/2024 from 1pm to 2pm Avignon Université, Campus Jean-Henri Fabre, CERI, amphi Ada Lovelace Live on V-AU Free admission, For non-members of Avignon Université, please indicate your presence in advance at midisciences@univ-avignon.fr On 21 March, a Midisicence will be held, hosted by Charlie Teurnier, Research Engineer, Unité de Recherche des [...]

[Café des sciences] "The brain as magician", by Jérôme Trouslard - Thursday 21 March 2024

Restaurant Françoise, 6 - rue du Gal Leclerc - Avignon 8.30 pm - 10.30 pm Free admission Guest: Jérôme TROUSLARD, Professor of Neuroscience at Aix-Marseille University, Vice-Dean of Research and International Science Faculty, researcher at the Timone Neuroscience Institute (INT UMR CNRS AMU 7289) We approach the world around us through our senses, [...].

[JPEG Seminar] Session of 22 March 2024 - Tatiana de Feraudy "Gouverner par le privé : les politiques de la civic tech en France" - 10am - room 1W48

Hannah Arendt Campus

The Laboratoire des sciences Juridiques, Politique, Économiques et de Gestion is pleased to welcome Tatiana de Feraudy*, a doctoral student in political science at the Centre Européen de Sociologie et de Science Politique (CESSP/CRPS), for a seminar entitled Gouverner par le privé : les politiques de la civic tech [...].

Workshop to make hot water bottles and feminine hygiene products / JH Fabre campus

Jean-Henri Fabre Campus

Following the distribution of free menstrual kits, the university is offering two workshops during Environment Week: workshop to make hot water bottles from olive stones - 11.30am to 1pm - room to be confirmed, JH Fabre campus workshop to make natural feminine hygiene products - 11.30am to 1pm - room to be confirmed, JH Fabre campus - [...]

Workshop for making hot water bottles and feminine hygiene products / H Arendt campus

Hannah Arendt Campus

Following the distribution of free menstrual kits, the university is offering two workshops during Environment Week: workshop making hot water bottles from olive stones - 11.30am to 1pm - room to be confirmed, Hannah Arendt campus workshop making natural feminine hygiene products - 11.30am to 1pm - room to be confirmed, Hannah Arendt campus - [...]

[Midisciences] 28 March: "Climate change and agriculture. Recent developments, expected impacts and strategies for adaptation and mitigation" by Iñaki Garcia de Cortazar Atauri.

Jean-Henri Fabre Campus

Date and place: 28/03/2024 from 1pm to 2pm Avignon Université, Campus Jean-Henri Fabre, CERI, amphi Ada Lovelace Live on V-AU Free admission, For non-members of Avignon Université, please indicate your presence in advance at midisciences@univ-avignon.fr As part of Environment Week, a Midisicence is being organised on 28 March, hosted by [...]

[Midisciences] 4 April: "Spin trapping: the hunt for free radicals" by Béatrice Tuccio-Larricella

Jean-Henri Fabre Campus

Date and place: 04/04/2024 from 1pm to 2pm Avignon Université, Campus Jean-Henri Fabre, CERI, amphi Ada Lovelace Live on V-AU Free admission, For non-members of Avignon Université, please indicate your presence in advance at midisciences@univ-avignon.fr Béatrice Tuccio-Larricella will present a Midiscience on 4 April 2024 on the theme: "Spin trapping: the [...]