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[JPEG Laboratory Seminar] Session 1 - Julie Charpenet: "The moderation of online content. An essay on regulating global conversation".

Hannah Arendt Campus

The Laboratoire des sciences Juridiques, Politique, Économiques et de Gestion is pleased to welcome for the first session of its 2023-2024 seminars: Julie CHARPENET Doctor of Law - Qualified as a Senior Lecturer for a talk entitled: La modération des contenus en ligne. Essay on regulating global conversation. Discussant [...]

[JPEG Seminar] Session of 15 March 2024 - Open Source contributors, "court painters"? Investigating the continuities of free and paid work in the production of free software - 10am - room 1W48

Hannah Arendt Campus

The Laboratoire des sciences Juridiques, Politique, Économiques et de Gestion is pleased to welcome Gabriel Alcaras*, Doctor of Sociology - Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Sciences Innovations Sociétés (LISIS) ATER at the Université Gustave Eiffel, for a seminar entitled Les contributeurs du libre, des " peintres de cour " ? An investigation into the [...]

[JPEG Seminar] Session of 22 March 2024 - Tatiana de Feraudy "Gouverner par le privé : les politiques de la civic tech en France" - 10am - room 1W48

Hannah Arendt Campus

The Laboratoire des sciences Juridiques, Politique, Économiques et de Gestion is pleased to welcome Tatiana de Feraudy*, a doctoral student in political science at the Centre Européen de Sociologie et de Science Politique (CESSP/CRPS), for a seminar entitled Gouverner par le privé : les politiques de la civic tech [...].

JPEG Seminar - Session of 12 April 2024 - Raphaële Xenidis - Algorithmic discrimination - 10am - room 2E01

Hannah Arendt Campus

The Laboratoire des sciences Juridiques, Politique, Économiques et de Gestion is pleased to welcome as part of the "Matins du -JPEG" 2024: Raphaële Xenidis Assistant professor, Sciences Po Paris for a seminar session entitled La discrimination algorithmique There is now a global consensus among researchers and decision-makers alike that algorithmic [...].