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Café des sciences - "Geology and dinosaurs in Provence", by Yves Dutour and Stéphane Legal

Guests: Yves Dutour, Doctor of Palaeontology, Head of the Aix-en-Provence Natural History Museum. Stéphane Legal, geologist, curator of the Luberon geological nature reserve At the end of the Cretaceous period, dinosaurs populated Provence, leaving us a wealth of fossil remains. But from the first discoveries in 1841 at the foot of the Ventoux [...]

[JPEG Laboratory Seminar] Session 1 - Julie Charpenet: "The moderation of online content. An essay on regulating global conversation".

Hannah Arendt Campus

The Laboratoire des sciences Juridiques, Politique, Économiques et de Gestion is pleased to welcome for the first session of its 2023-2024 seminars: Julie CHARPENET Doctor of Law - Qualified as a Senior Lecturer for a talk entitled: La modération des contenus en ligne. Essay on regulating global conversation. Discussant [...]

Fête de la Science 2023

Programme - Fête de la Science 2023 in Avignon Saturday 7 October from 10am to 6pm Science Village Place de l'horloge Nearly 30 stands to get you excited about science! Activities, games, workshops and meetings. To discover on your own or with your family. Organised by the Avignon Café des sciences, the city of Avignon and the [...]

Café des sciences: "Sport, a matter of the heart", by Stéphane Nottin (LaPEC)

Café des sciences spécial Fête de la Science - "Sport, a matter of the heart", by Stéphane Nottin - Senior Lecturer at the Experimental Cardiovascular Physiology Laboratory "In our modern society, where a sedentary lifestyle is often omnipresent, sport is emerging as an essential response to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. [...]

[JPEG] Session 3 - The monographic approach - Félicien Faury, Elie Guéraut and Achille Warnant

Hannah Arendt Campus

The Laboratoire des sciences Juridiques, Politique, Économiques et de Gestion is pleased to welcome to its 2023-2024 research seminar: Félicien Faury (Doctor of Political Science), Elie Guéraut (Doctor of Sociology), Achille Warnant (Doctor of Geography) and Guillaume Gourgues, Senior Lecturer in Political Science (Université Lyon 2-Pacte) for a session devoted to [...].

Science café: "Water from near and far

CAFÉ DES SCIENCES IN AVIGNON: "L'eau d'ici et d'ailleurs", 7 December at 8.30pm Guests Konstantinos CHALIKAKIS, Lecturer (MdC) / HDR, Deputy Director of UMR EMMAH / Director of the Hydrogeology Laboratory - head of the HYDRO team Christel TENTORINI, Head of territorial coordination at the Syndicat Mixte du Bassin des Sorgues Karine VICIANA, Director of the Maison Régionale de l'Eau The two years [? HYDRO team Christel TENTORINI, Head of territorial coordination, Syndicat Mixte du Bassin des Sorgues Karine VICIANA, Director, Maison Régionale de l'Eau The two years [...]