UV Boosting: Laurent Urban and Jawad Aarrouf honoured in the Innovators 2024 Awards by Le Point
Laurent Urban, Professor of agronomy and plant ecophysiology, and Jawad Aarrouf, Senior Lecturer in plant biology and pathology, join the Le Point's 2024 list of innovators. The exceptional panel of judges, which includes two Nobel Prize winners, pays tribute to the two professors-researchers whose discovery of the biostimulant effects of UV-C light flashes is currently being developed by the start-up UV Boosting for the benefit of more sustainable, more efficient and more resilient agriculture in the face of the challenges of climate change.
This list includes 100 leading-edge teams whose research will have an impact on the world. The awards ceremony for the 2024 inventors will take place on 1 March at the EDF Lab Paris-Saclay, during the Paris-Saclay Summit- Choose Science.
- Explanatory video by Laurent Urban and Jawad Aarrouf on LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/posts/aarrouf-jawad-b99541148_jawad-aarrouf-laurent-urban-et-uv-boosting-activity-7003670663009828866-NZpS/?trk=public_profile_share_view&originalSubdomain=fr
- Link to article (if subscribed) : https://www.lepoint.fr/versions-numeriques/# The dedicated issue is on newsstands this week (early March)
- Link to the list of inventors (Article readable without subscription) : http://www.lepoint.fr/sciences-nature/decouvrez-le-palmares-des-inventeurs-2024–29-02-2024-2553862_1924.php

Mis à jour le 23 April 2024