Banque de France : executive competition

The Banque de France is currently recording registrations for its executive competitionwhich aims to recruit its experts and managers from tomorrow. 20 positions are offered in this competition for candidates from Bac +5 and above

Registrations are now open from 4 June to 11 July 2024 (included) and can be done directly online on the recruitment website of the Banque de France. The written tests are scheduled for Saturday 28 September 2024.

Who is it for?
This competition is open to graduates with 5 years of higher education in engineering or business.
management, an institute of political studies or holders of a Master 2 in science, law, economics or accounting. It is open exclusively to nationals of a member state of the European Union or of a signatory state of the Agreement on the European Economic Area.
Towards what professions?
Experience our professions by participating in our 3 major missions: monetary strategy, financial stability and services to the economy and society, while responding to climate and technological challenges. You will be able to express your talents in the following positions: auditor, actuary, controller of banking, insurance or commercial practices, economist, lawyer, market operator, specialist in digital money or sustainable finance, climate economist, etc.
If you join us, you will be carrying out unique public service tasks in an innovative institution at the heart of Europe and at the service of the French people.

Which Master's degree after my degree?

  • Find out now which Masters courses are best suited to you.
  • Submit your applications between 26 February and 24 March 2024
  • answers are to be expected from 4 June 2024 onwards

Prépas Talents : Dare to take the civil service entrance exams!

visit the website :

How to consult us, contact us and ask your questions:

 You can reach us at
- by phone at 04 90 16 25 85 at our usual opening times
- or contact us by email on
- or come and consult documentation and be accompanied in your documentary research in our documentation room (Hannah Arendt Campus, North Building).