Research Newsletter May / June 2023

Research Newsletter May / June 2023

Portraits Scientific and Technical Culture
Research projects International
EUR Implanteus EUR InterMEDIUS
Doctoral Schools Open science
Distinction Agenda

[Technology transfer] Framework agreement signed between Avignon University and the Centre Hospitalier d'Avignon

On Friday 16 June 2023, the Centre Hospitalier d'Avignon and Avignon Université officially renewed their desire to work together by signing a framework agreement. The aim of the agreement is to facilitate cooperation between the two institutions.

Thanks to this agreement, several university laboratories will have the opportunity to work in partnership with the hospital centre. The researchers will put their expertise at the service of research projects conducted jointly by the hospital and the university. The partnership will encourage staff exchanges, the sharing of facilities and the pooling of material and data resources.

During the day, a number of presentations were given by laboratories involved in the health sector.
Mickaël Rouvier, Senior Lecturer in Computer Science at the Avignon Computer Science Laboratory (LIA), focused on "Artificial Intelligence - Data Structuring" and the research projects that could be developed with the Hôpital d'Avignon.
Anna Melnykova, Senior Lecturer in Mathematics, gave a presentation on the Avignon Mathematics Laboratory (LMA), outlining the focus of their in-house research and how it could be applied to the issues facing Avignon Hospital.
The experimental cardiovascular physiology laboratory (LaPEC) was presented by Agnès Vinet, its director and a university professor, who outlined the work already carried out with certain departments at the Hôpital d'Avignon and the presence of hospital practitioners from the Hôpital d'Avignon on the LaPEC organisation chart.

The day ended with the signing of the framework agreement by the legal representatives of the two establishments, Mr Pinzelli, Director of the Centre Hospitalier d'Avignon, and Mr Ellerkamp, President of Avignon Université.

>> Read more

The portraits

May 2023

Tiffany Antoine is in charge of research and innovation in nutrition at the Laboratory of Cardiovascular Experimental Physiology (LaPEC), and more specifically within the business unit IG Balance. It is responsible for proposing scientific solutions for measuring glycaemic indexes of food and beverage products thanks to models in vitro and clinical studies. At the same time, this project aims to improve internal processes and contribute to the development of fundamental research.

>> Discover his portrait

Tiffany Antoine - Nutrition Research and Innovation Officer (IGBALANCE - LAPEC)

June 2023

Isabelle Brianso is a lecturer in Information and Communication Sciences at the Centre Norbert Elias. For the last fifteen years, she has been working mainly on the heritage process in an international context, based on case studies in Europe (Council of Europe) and worldwide (UNESCO). She is particularly interested in heritage categories that have been awarded a label (Cultural Routes, World Heritage Sites), which she studies on the basis of local dynamics observed through surveys (territories, players, forms of heritage).

>> Discover his portrait

Scientific and Technical Culture

[Opening] Exhibition "The Olive Tree, Our Tree" at the Salagon Museum

Opened on 3 June, the "The olive tree, our tree" exhibition at the Musée départemental de Salagon in Mane (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) is the culmination of work carried out by the team behind the European Olive4All project (The heritage of the olive tree to raise awareness of sustainable development).

The project, coordinated by Julie Deramond, senior lecturer in Information and Communication Sciences (Centre Norbert Elias/Avignon Université), brings together researchers from France, Greece and Portugal and a number of professional partners from the agricultural and tourism sectors to study the olive tree, its cultivation, its products and the uses associated with it.

You can visit this beautiful, informative and original exhibition in a magnificent setting until 15 December 2024.

>> Read more

Part of the "The olive tree, our tree" exhibition, Salagon museum,
3 June 2023

[Scientific conference] Success for RIUESS 2023 - 24, 25 and 26 May

RIUESS 2023 Conference
RIUESS 2023 Conference

The 22nd RIUESS meetings - Inter-university network for the social economy - organised by Patrick Gianfaldoni (LBNC) and his team, took place on 24, 25 and 26 May 2023 on the Hannah Arendt campus of Avignon University and in Arles (LUMA).

The aim of the 22nd meeting of the Réseau interuniversitaire de l'économie sociale et solidaire (RIUESS) is to explore the drivers and rationale of territorial development in relation to the social and solidarity economy (SSE). The aim is to provide an in-depth overview of research into the SSE, or to situate oneself in the field of the SSE from different disciplinary or cross-disciplinary problematic angles.

More than 300 people gathered at Avignon University and the LUMA Tower in Arles to discuss the themes of territorial development and the social economy.

>> A look back at the RIUESS 2023 meetings

Research projects

[IT] The Finality project wins the ANR's 2023 European or international scientific networking programme (MRSEI)

The project FINALITYproject, led by Francesco De Pellegrini (Laboratoire Informatique d'Avignon), is the winner of the programme to set up European or international scientific networks 2023 (MRSEI) of the ANR.
FINALITY stands for safe learning for lArge scale socio technical system. The project aims to form a new Marie Curie European doctoral network in AI. The subject of the project is represented by safe techniques for socio-technical systems, where human decisions for resource allocation are supported by AI. The ESRs involved in DN FINALITY will develop new methodological tools by focusing on the following areas of expertise: secure reinforcement learning theory, online convex optimisation and federated learning under constraints.

>> Find out more about the MRSEI programme

[Hydrogeology] The K3 project wins the OneWater Exploratory PEPR award

Fountain of Vaucluse

The K3 project Impact of global change on water resources in karst socio-hydrosystems: Vulnerability, Sensitivity and Management "is one of three projects selected under the OneWater Exploratory PEPR call for projects. Its aim is to identify the impact of global changes on water resources (underground and surface) in karstic environments, in order to propose adaptation solutions to the main users. K3 is a 4-year project coordinated by HydroSciences Montpellier and will involve four universities (Montpellier, Avignon, Grenoble Alpes and Sorbonne), IFPEN, BRGM, INRAE and CNRS.

This project is based on three karstic systems (the Lez, Fontaine de Vaucluse and Loue spring aquifers). Fontaine de Vaucluse - LSBB is one of the experimental sites of the UMR EMMAH. This site is part of the KARST and H+ national observation services, and the OZCAR research infrastructure. It is supported by INRAE's AQUA department.

The HYDRO team from UMR EMMAH will be working in particular on the link between geological heterogeneities and flow structuring. Synergies will be envisaged between the K3 project and the GeEAUde partnership chair held by UMR EMMAH (Dynamics of groundwater resources and interactions with associated ecosystems).

>> Find out more about the PEPR Exploratory OneWater call for projects


Mursal Dawodi, winner of a prize from the l'Oréal - UNESCO foundation

Mursal Dawodi

Congratulations to Mursal Dawodi for his special prize received during the ceremony of the 25ᵉ edition of the Prix de la L'Oréal - UNESCO Foundation "For Women in Science".The award recognises the achievements of women researchers in exile and their work in the exact sciences.

Mursal Dawodi was a prizewinner in the national programme for the emergency reception of scientists and artists in exile (PAUSE), which enabled her to join the Avignon University Computer Science Laboratory (LIA).

Mursal Dawodi has a PhD in Intelligent Systems Engineering. Her research focuses on the automatic processing of natural language using machine learning and data analysis techniques.

We wish him all the best for the future.

>> More info

Signing of a framework agreement between Avignon University and Abdelmalek Essaadi University - 11 and 12 May

A framework agreement has been signed between Avignon University and Adelmalek Essaadi University (Tangiers) to encourage collaboration on a range of subjects, including business and digital technology.
This partnership was initiated thanks to the participation of the Avignon University's Laboratoire Bien Normes et Contrats (LBNC).

On the afternoon of 11 May, a meeting was held to discuss setting up joint projects.

The following day, May 12, was devoted to preparations for the Tangier Colloquium, which will take place in spring 2024 and focus on the advent of cryptocurrencies.

11 and 12 May 2023 - Tangiers Delegation

EUR Implanteus

[event] 14, 15 and 16 June: Tersys Implanteus Summer School - 2nd edition

The second edition of the Tersys Implanteus Summer School was held on 14, 15 and 16 June 2023 on the Jean-Henri Fabre campus of the University of Avignon and at the Chêne Bleu in Crestet. The second edition of the TISS was a real success, with nearly 200 participants on the first two days.

The day of 14 June was dedicated to the UNESCO Chair in Green and Sustainable Plant Chemistry. Throughout the day, presentations were given on green technologies, eco-extraction and green chemistry.

The second day focused on the environment and biodiversity. Plenary lectures and oral presentations enlivened the day on 15 June.

During the first two days, poster sessions were organised. The posters were produced by students from the IMAS Master's programme and doctoral students from Avignon University, INRAE, Aix Marseille and the University of Turin.

On 16 June, participants in the Tersys Implanteus Summer School visited the Chêne Bleu estate in Crestet. This field day was an opportunity to visit the estate, combining botany and wildlife studies thanks to Joffrey Moiroux and Thierry Dutoit from IMBE. Participants were also able to taste the estate's wines.

Poster presentation
15 June 2023

EUR intermedius

Call for research internships and thematic schools, and the ueoi scheme renewed

EUR InterMEDIUS has set up a number of initiatives to promote training through research.

The first call for projects concerns research placementsThe InterMEDIUS programme offers eight EUR-affiliated laboratories the opportunity to host trainees, mainly at Master's level. Three trainees are currently receiving funding from InterMEDIUS, in the LBNC, ESPACE and CIHAM laboratories.

>> Download the presentation of the call for projects on research placements

The second call for projects aims to create theme-based schools encouraging interdisciplinary research, collaboration between disciplines and student participation with the aim of training students in and through research. In January 2023, a first thematic school was organised on the theme of Cultural and Creative Industries. In December 2023, the EUR is funding a thematic school focusing on new documentary writing, led by Jean-Paul Campillo and Cyrielle Garson.

>> Download the presentation of the call for projects on themed schools

Finally, the Open Interdisciplinary Teaching Unitslaunched at the start of the 2022 academic year, will be renewed for the 2023-2024 academic year. This scheme enables students in the Heritage, Culture and Digital Society Masters programme to take one course per semester in another discipline, in order to discover new research methodologies and adopt a multidisciplinary approach to subjects that interest them.

For more information on the calls for projects and the Interdisciplinary Teaching Units, please consult the following website EUR InterMEDIUS website.


Doctoral Schools


Open Science

Open Science Charter

Avignon Université's "Open Science Charter" was adopted by the Research Committee on 13 April. In application of the national plans for open science, the Charter provides the university with a new framework to support the development of scientific culture. It is broken down into 4 major commitments:

  • Open access to scientific publications
  • Supporting the sharing of research data
  • Informing and training in open science
  • Implementing effective governance of open science

>> Discover the Charter on the page dedicated to Open Science

DORANUM resource, Step-by-step data management plan

Among other things, this self-study course gives you a quick overview of existing QMP models, how to choose a writing tool and how to write a CEO by following the data cycle. It can be followed in a linear, progressive fashion or in fragments as required.

>> The step-by-step data management plan (DoRaNum)

Videos on open science

Source :

The Open Science Committee has published several videos on its Canal U channel.

You can find them all in the Open Science toolbox in the university library:

Don't hesitate to contact us, we'll do our best to answer your questions:


Élise Buisson, lecturer in the Biological Engineering department of the Avignon IUT and member of the Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Ecology (IMBE), appointed Chevalier de l'ordre national du mérite by the French Minister for Ecological Transition.

Elise Buisson, a lecturer in the Biological Engineering department of the Avignon IUT and a member of the Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Ecology (IMBE) laboratory, has just been named a Knight of the National Order of Merit by the French Minister for Ecological Transition.

She is a member of the Natural and Cultural Heritage Restoration Engineering team at the IUT. Her research focuses on understanding the assembly theories of plant species communities, with practical applications in the conservation management and ecological restoration of degraded ecosystems.

We would like to warmly congratulate Elise on this prestigious award and on her remarkable achievements. Her dedication and expertise have greatly contributed to the advancement of research in ecology and ecosystem restoration. We wish her every success in her future projects.

>> Read more


  • From 17 to 21 July at 5.30pm, "Binôme, the poet and the scholar, edition #13".
    Arts and science shows 
    in the Gardens of the Hannah Arendt Campus, Université d'Avignon 74 rue Louis Pasteur, 84000 Avignon
    From 14 years / duration: 1h15. Free
    >> More info
  • The 12 September Agorantic FR symposium on "Research data".
    Avignon University, Hannah Arendt campus, Amphi 2E07
    Registration required (programme to come on the Agorantic website)

  • From 6 to 16 October Fête de la Science
    7 October: Village des sciences, Place de l'horloge - Avignon
    14 October: Guided tour of the exhibition "International artists looking at plants", Grenier à sel - Avignon

The Research and Innovation Support Department (DARI)

Trombinoscope - Research and Innovation Support Division

The Research and Innovation Support Department (DARI) supports the research activities of its laboratories.
It participates in the implementation and operational management of the University's scientific policy and supports research players in their relations with the various partners in the socio-economic world.

>> The Research and Innovation Support Department (DARI)