Research News - May / June 2021 #4


[Research Project] "Third-Party Cultural Venues in the Southern Region", by Émilie Pamart, Senior Lecturer in Information and Communication Sciences

Émilie Pamart, Senior Lecturer in Information and Communication Sciences at Avignon University's Culture & Communication Laboratory, tells us about her research project on "Third-Party Cultural Venues in the South of France".

One of the sites under consideration is the Villa Créative, a future third-party centre to be set up in Avignon city centre, close to the Hannah-Arendt campus.

The international dimension is also integrated into this project through ongoing research collaborations with Luxembourg and the Culture and Communication Laboratory at Avignon University.


Information on development, partnerships and intellectual property

[Start-up and University] When Avignon research boosts innovation: the example of UV Boosting

UV Boosting is a start-up founded in 2017 by two researchers from Avignon

University : Laurent UrbanProfessor of Agronomy and Plant Ecophysiology, and Jawad AarroufThe two men have joined forces to create the company, which is run by Yves Matton, co-founder of Technofounders, a start-up studio. They joined forces with Yves Matton, co-founder of Technofounders, a start-up studio, to create the company. UV Boosting is developing tools based on UV-C flashes to stimulate plant and crop defences against pests and diseases..


The portraits

May 2021 - Marion Fontaine

Marion Fontaine is a senior lecturer (HDR) in History and director of the Centre Norbert Elias.
His research interests are contemporary European social and political history. She is particularly interested in the global changes affecting industrial societies.
She is currently completing a manuscript for her Habilitation à diriger des recherches, to be published in early 2022, entitled "La société industrielle en question".

>> For more information

April 2021 - Emmanuel Petitcolas

Discover the portrait ofEmmanuel Petitcolasa chemical engineering assistant in the Green team at UMR SPOV.
His research focuses mainly on theeco-extraction of natural products.

It is also very committed to disseminating scientific culture to a wide range of audiences, taking part in the annual Fête de la Science, for example.

>> See his portrait

Doctoral Schools

Upcoming thesis and HDR defences

  • Thursday 10 June 2021 Alice DALL ARMELLINAIBMM - UMR 5247
  • Friday 11 June 2021 Esteban BOPPEvaluation and spatialisation of the potential offered by warning systems based on the location of individuals - Experiments at different scales in France", UMR ESPACE
  • Thursday 24 June 2021
  • Friday 25 June 2021 - HDR defence,
  • Tuesday 29 June 2021 Camille BEGUINÉcrire et réécrire un patrimoine - Approche communicationnelle de la statuaire antique, entre blancheur idéelle et polychromie originelle", CNE

Research projects

[Distinction] Johnny Douvinet, Professor of Geography, appointed junior member of the IUF

Johnny Douvinet, Professor of Geography (section CNU 23) at Avignon University, will be appointed Junior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) from 1 October 2021, for a period of 5 years.

His IUF project aims to analyse the impact of alerts (real, missed and false) in the face of sudden hazards (floods, tsunamis, forest fires, wildfires), and to design a multi-channel alert simulator.



The new Horizon Europe framework programme

Officially launched on 2 February 2021, Horizon Europe is the European Union's ninth framework programme for research and innovation.. It follows on from the Horizon 2020 programme and covers the period 2021-2028.


Reception at the IMBE of Mrs Carla Khater, Director of Research at the CNRS-Lebanon

From mid-April to mid-September 2021, the UMR IMBE (Institut Méditerranéen de la Biodiversité et d'Écologie marine et continentale - Mediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Marine and Continental Ecology) will be welcoming Carla Khater, director of research at the CNRS in Lebanon, to its premises at the IUT in Avignon, to strengthen cooperation between Lebanon and France in the field of restoring ecosystems damaged by quarrying in particular.

University Research School (EUR) Implanteus

International excellence scholarships for the IMAS Master's programme

From the start of the 2021 academic year, EUR Implanteus is introducing an international scholarship programme reserved for excellent foreign candidates entering France and accepted into the IMAS Implanteus Master's programme.

>> See conditions

New: M1S1 will have 150 hours of new courses taught in English

From the start of the 2021 academic year, Semester 1 of Master 1 will have 150 hours of new courses taught in English, in order to welcome international students from all over the world.

>> Discover the programme

Scientific and Technical Culture

Lecture "La boite translucide : un éclairage sur l'intelligence artificielle" by Pierre Jourlin

On the occasion of the publication in March 2021 by Éditions Universitaires d'Avignon of " The translucent box: shedding light on artificial intelligence". by Pierre Jourlin, the Avignon University Library offered a public presentation of the book, in the form of a discussion between the author and Christèle Lagier, lecturer and political scientist.

>> See it here

CPUBLIÉ: Series of interviews with researchers by IMBE

Discover the "Cpublié" series of interviews (on imbetv) of IMBE researchers, including three researchers from Avignon University: Thierry Dutoit, Director of Research, Christel Vidaller, Ecologist, and Matthieu Ménager, teacher.

Call for entries: article in The Conversation for the Fête de la Science 2021

Once again this year, The Conversation online media has joined forces with the Fête de la Science to offer the researchers involved in this year's event the chance to work on articles related to their work and the national theme: The thrill of discovery.
These articles will be published on their pages, and promoted as part of a special Science Festival editorial programme.

If you are interested and would like to know all the conditions, please contact us at

The University Library at the service of research

[Open archive] The HAL Avignon open archive homepage has been revamped!

Entirely redesigned in the colours of Avignon Université, it showcases the collections created by the research units by structuring them around two themes: Sciences and Agrosciences and Humanities and Social Sciences.


2nd Salon des écritures alternatives en sciences sociales, Marseille

10 and 11 June 2021 - At the Mucem and online.
The entire day of the 11th will be broadcast live on the Mucem's Youtube channel..

>> All the information on the CNE website

8th Rencontres Recherche et Création - Festival d'Avignon 2021

8 and 9 July 2021 - At the Cloître St Louis in Avignon, and online.
Organised by the Festival d'Avignon and the ANR


The House of Research

The Maison de la Recherche supports the research activities of its laboratories.
It participates in the implementation and operational management of the University's scientific policy and supports research players in their relations with the various partners in the socio-economic world.

>> The House of Research


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