Directorate for Research and Innovation Support (DARI)

The Department of Research and Innovation Support (DARI) supports the research activities of the institution's two main areas of focus, "Agrosciences, Environment and Health" and "Culture, Heritage and Digital Societies". 15 laboratories.

She participates in the implementation and operational management of the University's scientific policy alongside the Vice-President for Research and the Vice-President for Economic Development and Professional Integration.

It assists research actors (teacher-researchers, researchers, federative research structures, doctoral students) in their relations with the various partners in the socio-economic world.

Its activity is organised around 5 areas of expertise:

  • Administrative and Financial Support Unit

- The Agorantic RF
The SFR Tersys

Doctoral Schools
The University Research School (EUR) Implanteus (Master in Agrosciences page IMAS)

- The metaboscope platform

>> Discover the DARI trombinoscope

>> Download the DARI organisation chart - MAJ 06/01/2025


Avignon University
Hannah Arendt Campus, Sainte-Marthe site
74 rue Louis Pasteur
84000 Avignon
Research and Innovation Support Directorate
Office 0W42
North building


Director: Anne-Charlotte MONVILLE

Opening hours

Monday to Friday
from 9am to 12pm and from 2pm to 5pm