[Midisciences 2023] 4 May: "Land and property owners in France" by Guilhem Boulay, Laure Casanova-Enault and Rémi Lei
Date and place :
4 May from 13:00 to 14:00
Avignon University, Campus Hannah Arendt, Amphi 2E01
Guilhem BoulayLaure Casanova-Enault and Rémi Lei, lecturers in geography at Avignon University (UMR 7300 CNRS ESPACE) will be presenting a Midiscience on 4 May 2023 on the subject of land and property owners in France.
"Since the 2000s, there have been a number of major changes in the land and property markets, directly attributable to the historic rise in prices (which have almost doubled in twenty years) and its consequences in terms of socio-spatial inequalities.
For a number of low-income households, access to housing has become more difficult (particularly in metropolitan areas where prices are at record highs), while at the same time, for a number of them, the period has been favourable for profitable property investments (particularly through short-term rentals such as Airbnb).
At the end of this phase, it is important to provide a detailed understanding of the landscape of land and property owners and their assets, and to gain a better grasp of their role in the markets. Paradoxically, while the profiles of buyers and sellers are well known, those of owners are poorly documented and little investigated.
In this talk, we will present the results of ground-breaking research into the structure of land and property ownership in French conurbations (stocks held by category of owner, location/value of assets, etc.) and the issues involved in understanding the power relationships (observed and potential) at play in urban land governance.
The lectures will be available for viewing online on Canal U. To follow them live, click here : https://v-au.univ-avignon.fr/live/colloque/

Mis à jour le 19 April 2023