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Hannah Arendt Campus

To mark the 200th anniversary of Jean-Henri Fabre's birth, the students in the Master 1 Culture and Communication programme invite you to come and share a moment about nature, on 18 December 2023 from 6pm to 9.30pm, for members of the university.

[JPEG Seminar] 12/01/24 - Digital law, a risk-based approach by Arnaud Latil

Hannah Arendt Campus

The Laboratoire des sciences Juridiques, Politique, Économiques et de Gestion is pleased to welcome as part of the "Matins du -JPEG" 2024: Arnaud LATIL, Maître de conférences HDR en droit privé, Sorbonne Université, Chercheur au CERDI (Paris-Saclay) et au SCAI (Sorbonne Université) for a seminar entitled: Le droit du numérique, pour une [...]

[MidiSciences] Julie Deramond and Pauline Grison: "An exhibition as part of a research project: The olive tree, our tree".

Hannah Arendt Campus

Date and place: 01/02/2024 - from 1pm to 2pm Avignon Université, Campus Hannah Arendt, 2E01 Live on V-AU Free - upon registration if you are not a member of the university at midisciences@univ-avignon.fr On 1ᵉʳ February 2024 will take place the first Midiscience of the year, presented by Julie Deramond and Pauline Grison. As part of the [...]


07 - 08 February 2024 A stimulating and creative approach to entrepreneurship! The aim: to raise students' awareness of the entrepreneurial spirit, meet professionals and expand their network, acquire new skills and, of course, have fun! The programme: Multi-disciplinary and mixed teams of 3 to 4 students have to work for 24 hours, day and night, on a [...].

[MidiSciences] Benoit Rossignol: "What role did volcanoes play in Roman history? An environmental history study".

Date and venue: 08/02/2024 - 13:00 to 14:00 Avignon Université, Campus Hannah Arendt, 2E01 On 8 February 2024, the second Midiscience of the year will take place, presented by Benoit Rossignol, Professor of Ancient History (HiSoMA laboratory). What role did volcanoes play in Roman history? A study of environmental history Since the 1990s, environmental sciences have [...]

[Midisciences] Iñaki Garcia de Cortazar Atauri: "Climate change and viticulture. Recent developments, expected impacts and adaptation strategies".

Hannah Arendt Campus

Date and venue: 15/02/2024 from 1pm to 2pm Avignon Université, Campus Hannah Arendt, room 2E01 Free admission, For non-members of Avignon Université, please indicate your presence in advance at midisciences@univ-avignon.fr On 15 February, a Midisicence will be held, chaired by Iñaki Garcia de Cortazar Atauri, Research Engineer, Director of the AgroClim [...] service unit.

[Café des sciences] "Towards the infinitely small: the invisible particles that surround us" by Élisabeth Petit, CNRS researcher at the Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS/IN2P3)

Thursday 15 February 2024 "Towards the infinitely small: the invisible particles that surround us" by Élisabeth Petit, CNRS researcher at the Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS/IN2P3) Guest speaker: Elisabeth Petit, CNRS researcher at the Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS/IN2P3), CNRS 2022 bronze medallist, [...]

Road safety day on the H. Arendt campus

Hannah Arendt Campus

Campus Hannah Arendt, from 8am to 5pm: Stands on road safety, rollover car, workshops... A day to find out more about road safety and prevention: speeding, alcohol, drugs... but also to find out more about soft mobility and safety. Organised in conjunction with the Préfecture de [...]

[Midisciences] "How to break the invisibility of cancers of occupational and environmental origin? Multidisciplinary action research (GISCOPE 84)" by Moritz Hunsmann

Hannah Arendt Campus

On 22 February, Moritz Hunsmann, sociology researcher at the CNRS and co-director of the Scientific Interest Group on Occupational and Environmental Cancers in the Vaucluse (GISCOPE 84), will host a Midisicence on the theme: