Organising an event

Organising an event at Avignon University means mobilising a public scientific and professional establishment (EPCSP) and its entire university community.

An event at Avignon University, whether it is scientific, cultural or simply concerns campus life, must be thought out in time so as to be able to concern all the services involved, but also in relation to the other events taking place.

The EVENT sheet 

The Event File is an essential tool for programming, implementation, planning, safety and communication between the various departments involved. The earlier the event form is filled in, the better the university will be able to promote it in its programming.
This means that the university calendar must be flexible from one semester to the next. However, to organise an event at the university, it is not enough to fill in an event form before the others. The scientific, cultural, media and economic criteria that underpin the development of the university are taken into account when granting authorisation, establishing the conditions for running the event, communication, prices and, more generally, an agreement.

Colloquia organised by Avignon University laboratories are, as far as possible, given priority over other types of events.

Finally, Avignon University is committed to a sustainable development approach and hopes that project leaders and participants will be aware of this approach and, as far as possible, implement it in their events.

Other departments can support you and help you to improve the reception of your event: the Department of Culture and Campus Life, the Maurice Agulhon University Librarythe Pôle Sportif & de Recherche, the CROUS.

Documents to download


Student associations: organising a festive event

Are you a member of a student association based at the University of Avignon?
Would you like to organise a festive event on or off campus?

>> You must contact the Department of Culture and Campus Life and see advice for all events festive.