University life
General information :
- Student life observatory
- Site du MESR / Student life
- Study and disability and the association ARPEJEH : training, qualifications and employment for disabled people.
- The Student Portal
Scholarships / Financial aid :
- MESR: financial aid
- Cnous
- Grants and call for projects forhigher education from the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Regional Council
- The Caisse d'Allocations Familiales for APL
- CampusScholarshipsDirectory of CampusFrance scholarship programmes
- The "YOUR HELP" page on the site maregionsud which presents all the PACA region's schemes for young people.
Being a student in Avignon :
Student accommodation :
- Device Visale (formerly Clé - Caution Locative Etudiante du Crous)
The Caution Locative Étudiante (Clé) scheme run by Crous-Lokaviz has been replaced by Action Logement's Visale scheme, which is free of charge and in no way replaces insurance for students. her flat which must be presented in order to move into accommodation. The principle of Visale remains unchanged: it is a form of assistance that acts as a guarantor and ensures payment of rent, including charges, in the event of non-payment. Visit the Visale platform for all the information on the Visale scheme and the conditions for obtaining it. To make the process easier, remember to complete the Visale file before you move in and sign the contract. site survey document.
- See the website Lokaviz the student accommodation centre
- The DGCCRF (Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes) offers (in PDF) the student accommodation guidefor know your rights and the mistakes to avoid.
- Homes and residences in Avignon
- ADELE Student accommodation website
- low-cost room in the home of an elderly person and her association in Avignon La Logitude
- Studéa ResidencesLAMY Group
- MaPiauleStudyrama's student accommodation website
- See also the site Habitat Jeunes residence which offers residences (2 in Avignon and 1 in Monteux) exclusively for young people from 16 to 30 years old with a social team that can support the young person individually. These are T1-type flats rented for variable durations ranging from 1 month to 2 years or more. Information by telephone on 04 86 19 41 00 or at the following address:
There are also a number of sites dedicated to finding a flat-share...
Mis à jour le 2 July 2024