Research News - September / October 2023 #15

Research Newsletter September - October 2023

Portraits Scientific and Technical Culture
Research projects Development and intellectual property
EUR Implanteus

Doctoral Schools

EN Agorantic Awards
Latest nominations Agenda

[Headlines] The EXPANSION project, support for research projects and the development of partnership chairs

What is the EXPANSION project?

EXPANSION is the university's project in response to the France 2030 call for projects "Accelerating the development strategies of higher education and research establishments (ASDESR). The 44 award-winning establishmentsincluding Avignon University, were announced on 14 April. The ASDESR programme is designed to support the implementation of a policy of sustainable development of own resources. State aid is concentrated on human resources, one of the main objectives being to enable the recruitment and retention of staff with skills that are rare in the higher education sector, with their funding to be provided in the long term by new resources linked to the development of the activities funded.

Avignon Université has been allocated a budget of €2.083m to meet 3 challenges: to strengthen its training engineering centre in order to promote the widespread development of sandwich courses, to speed up the deployment of partnership chairs via sponsorship - a particular feature of the project - and to create a Europe unit to respond better and more often to European calls for proposals. These challenges will be supported by the Lifelong Learning Department (SFTLV) and the Research and Innovation Support Department (DARI).

The DARI will strengthen its "projects, partnerships and international development for the implementation of two challenges: to provide researchers with greater support in responding to calls for European projects, and to accelerate the deployment of partnership chairs through sponsorship.

Four people will be recruited on contracts financed at 100 % by the aid received for three years (start-up phase). In the long term (balance to seven years), they will have to be financed by new resources linked to the development of the activity concerned.

How will ASDESR help strengthen the Projects, Partnerships and International Development Division?

>>> Read the full article

The portraits

September 2023 - Florence Bistagne

Florence Bistagne is a senior lecturer in the ICTT (Cultural Identity, Texts and Theatricality) laboratory. She is a specialist in written cultures and a historian of Romance languages (Latin, Greek, Italian, Neapolitan and Catalan) from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, with a particular focus on the Kingdom of Naples (1442-1503). She edits, transcribes and translates historical and literary sources. Florence Bistagne recently obtained ANR funding for a collaborative research project entitled LUXART on luxury and the arts in the kingdom of Naples during this period.

>> Discover her portrait

Florence Bistagne
Florence Bistagne

Stéphane Nottin performs a cardiac ultrasound on an athlete during exercise
Stéphane Nottin performs a cardiac ultrasound on an athlete during exercise at the LaPEC

October 2023 - Stéphane Nottin

Stéphane Nottin is Professor of Exercise Physiology in the STAPS department, and in the Laboratory of Experimental Cardiovascular Physiology (LaPEC). His research focuses on cardiac adaptations to physical exercise. The aim is firstly to understand how the heart, which is put under great strain during exercise, gradually adapts after many years of training. The aim is also to better understand what the limits may be in certain extreme situations.

>> Discover her portrait

Scientific and Technical Culture

[Event] Fête de la science 2023

Fête de la science 2023

We are delighted to announce that the Fête de la Science 2023 will take place from 6 to 16 October. This year's official theme is "Sport and science.
Not-to-be-missed events for the Fête de la Science 2023 in Vaucluse :

  • The Avignon Science Village
    Saturday 7 October - Place de l'Horloge and Hôtel de Ville, Avignon, 10am to 6pm
    Activities, games, workshops, a treasure hunt, a magician...
    Come and meet : Researchers from Avignon University, Inrae, speleologists, fab-labs, the Requien Museum, Atmosud, OCCE, Tipi, Véolia, Petits Débrouillards, Semailles, Grenier à Sel, sorting ambassadors, ôkkra cooperative, CPIE Rhône pays d'Arles, Avignon libraries, engineering schools...
  • Café des sciences special Fête de la science :
    "Sport, a matter of the heartby Stéphane Nottin
    - Senior lecturer at the Cardiovascular Experimental Physiology Laboratory at Avignon University
    Tuesday 10th October - 8.30pm, Restaurant Françoise, 6 - rue du Général Leclerc - Avignon
  • Jean-Henri FABRE, 200 years of inspiration" exhibition.
    The REQUIEN Museum retraces the life of Jean-Henri FABRE, which alternated between encounters and moments of solitude. From Saint-Léons (in Aveyron) to Sérignan-du-Comtat, via Avignon (Vaucluse) and Ajaccio (Corsica), this is how one of France's most famous naturalists came to be.
    From 6 to 16 October - Requien Museum - 67 rue Joseph Vernet 84000 AVIGNON

>> Download the full programme for the Fête de la Science in Vaucluse

Research projects

ANR: Call for Generic Projects (AAPG) deadline 14/10/2023

The deadline for submitting pre-projects in response to theANR call for generic projects 2024 was set this year before the All Saints' holiday, at 14 October 2023.
All the information is available on the call for projects pageincluding the guide toAAPG 2024 which we invite you to consult if you are a candidate.
As a reminder, the DARI organised a webinar on this call for projects last year. It is still available in replay here (webinar on 11 October 2022 (See "The ANR's 2023 call for generic projects: 30 days to go!) There are virtually no changes apart from minor details compared with last year, so the information given remains entirely valid for this year, with the exception of the timetable.
The following financing instruments are also available:
PRC - Collaborative Research Project
PRCE - Collaborative Research Project - Company
PRCI - Collaborative Research Project - International (bilateral partnerships with a predefined list of countries)
JCJC - Young researchers - up to 10 years after the thesis and 5 years after taking up a post as an MCF
PRME - Single Team Research Project
Projects must be submitted by the coordinators at IRIS website.
Mariama Cottrant will be happy to help you with your application, so don't hesitate to make an appointment! Contact us at

The ANR LUXART project: "Consuming, describing and theorising luxury and the arts between Spain and Italy: the kingdom of Naples in the 15th century".

Tavola Strozzi, View of the city of Naples from the sea, 1472, San Martino Museum, Naples
Tavola Strozzi, View of the city of Naples from the sea, 1472, San Martino Museum, Naples

Florence Bistagne is coordinator of the LUXART project: "Consuming, describing and theorising luxury and the arts between Spain and Italy: the kingdom of Naples in the 15th century".. For this project, the coordinator has been awarded ANR funding under the "Collaborative Research Project" (PRC) funding instrument.

As part of LUXART, researchers are attempting to reconstruct the heritage of the kings of Naples dispersed following the Italian wars from 1494 onwards in a number of countries (Italy, Spain, France, Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands and even the United States) by means of a virtual exhibition and digital editions with texts that will help us to better understand luxury, the use of money and the status of the artist in early modern Europe.

Development and intellectual property

Avignon University and the Digital Transition Department (DTNUM) have signed a collaboration agreement for 2022 and 2023 to carry out research to assess the receptivity of messages tested on the FR-Alert platform in mainland France and overseas.

Trials are continuing with the DTNUM and the Bureau de l'Alerte, la Sensibilisation et l'Éducation des Publics (BASEP) of the Ministry of the Interior and Overseas France. The project team (coordinated by J. Douvinet) took part in 42 warning exercises organised by numerous prefectures in France between June 2022 and June 2023, simulating floods, various industrial accidents, dam failures, a tsunami or an act of terrorism. More than 18,250 responses were collected to an online questionnaire, and the results are currently being processed, showing some interesting trends:
1) While 75 % of people who received an audible notification were surprised, 42 % were stressed and 39% were afraid;
2) The absence of clear, prioritised instructions led to discrepancies of almost 25 % in declarations of sheltering or evacuation;
3) The phrase "Leave your children safely at school" halves the number of people who behave in this way in the event of a real alert.
The team needs input from other disciplines (applied linguistics, sociology, IT, management sciences), so if you are interested, please contact the team:

For further information:
>> The ANR project
>> Experiments with FR-Alert

EUR Implanteus

Omel Banin Abou Daya, winner of the Dissertation Prize

On 20 September 2023, the French Academy of Agriculture awarded the Xavier Bernard scientific prize and the prizes for final dissertations.
Omel Banin ABOU DAYArepresented by Fabienne Trollard (INRAE), an IMAS Master's student, received the dissertation prize for his thesis entitled: "Utilisation des QTL confant une résistance au mildiou : cartographie générique dans une descendance interspécifique de tomate et introgression dans un fond générique cultivé". We congratulate him and wish him all the best for the future.
>> More info

International master's degree in agrosciences back in session

Students in the IMAS International Master's programme went back to school on 13 September.
This year, the students come from Pakistan, Uganda, Germany and many other countries.
Ten Master's students receive a scholarship for excellence.

>> Find out more about the International Master's Degree in Agrosciences

Start of the IMAS Implanteus Master's programme

Doctoral Schools

24 November: Young Doctor in Business Day - Registration now open

 The AgroSciences&Sciences doctoral school at Avignon University is organising an event on Friday 24 November from 2pm on the theme ofprofessional integration of young doctors in companies. Former doctoral students from the ED will share their post-doctoral professional experience in different types of company (industrial groups, SMEs, start-ups). There will also be a session/round table dedicated to entrepreneurship. Finally, companies from the region will also be presenting their motivations for hiring PhDs and their expectations.  

The aim of this half-day event is to raise the profile of doctoral degrees within companies. It is important to raise awareness of the advantages and benefits available to companies that recruit young PhDs.

This event will provide an opportunity for fruitful exchanges between companies and those involved in research and innovation in tomorrow doctoral students.

> Registration
> Download the programme

Upcoming thesis defence

Lina Marìa Serna Moreno

Agorantic Research Federation

On 12 September, the annual symposium of the Agorantic Research Federation. This year's theme was research data ". The aim of this interdisciplinary meeting was to discuss the issues surrounding the collection and use of open data, and the solutions found to address them. Experts from various disciplines shared their experiences and successes in using data (open or otherwise) to answer complex questions.

The event was also an opportunity to announce the appointment of Agorantic's new directors: Pierre-Henri Morand, Professor of Economics (.JPEG laboratory) and Vincent Labatut, Senior Lecturer (HDR) in Computer Science (LIA).

Agorantic Symposium 12/09/23
Margaux Larre-Perez, Datactivist


Alice Château (SQPOV), winner of the young researcher young researcher programme

Alice Châteaua teacher-researcher in microbiology in the SporAlim team (UMR SQPOV), is a winner of the : Young researchers (JCJC) in the 2023 generic call for projects in the "food and food systems" category. Its research project is called BClysin :
"The use of endolysins to describe envelope biosynthetic pathways and to eliminate biofilms of Bacillus cereus" . To find out more about Alice Château, go to his portrait taken in March 2023.

>> Find out more about the AAPG 2023

Alice Château, teacher-researcher in microbiology (SporAlim/UMR SQPOV team), winner of the : Young Researchers (JCJC) of the AAPG 2023

Céline Joliot (IMBE), appointed Chevalier in the Order of Academic Palms

Céline JoliotAssistant Research and Training Engineer specialising in chemical analysis and prevention assistant in the Chemistry Department of the Science, Technology and Health Faculty of the University of Avignon, as part of the team. IRPNC of theIMBEThe French Minister for Education, Research and Science, Jean-Louis Dupuis, has just been awarded the rank of Chevalier in the Ordre des Palmes Académiques for her commitment to teaching and research.

Its research focuses on the study and characterisation of artistic and archaeological heritage materials, with particular emphasis on natural substances and their degradation phenomena, using chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques and alteration processes.

His commitment to the company is explained by his various roles:

  • Elected to the Research Committee (2019-2023)
  • Elected to the University Board (2015-2019)
  • Staff representative on the Specialised Training Committee on Health, Safety and Working Conditions (FSSSCT) in 2023
  • Former CHSCT representative (2013-2022) including secretary (2020-2021)
  • elected to the board of the Comité Associatif des Personnels de l'Université d'Avignon (CASPUA) (2015-19 / president: 2012-2015).

>> See information on the IMBE website
>> The Order of Academic Palms

Léa Saby, second prize for the best poster at the 65ᵉ annual congress of the International Society of Plant Sciences.

Léa Sabya first-year doctoral student atMediterranean Institute of Biodiversity and Ecology (IMBE)team IRPNCand CIFRE contract with the company Gagneraudwon second prize for best poster at the 65ᵉ Congrès annuel de la International Society of Plant Sciences held in Coffs Harbour, Australia from 02 to 08 September 2023. His poster entitled "Restoring a Mediterranean grassland by sowing and reinstalling the original stone cover". is the result of her Master 2 thesis, which involved a long-term reassessment of the effects of an ecological restoration operation carried out on the Crau plain (Bouches-du-Rhône, France) in the early 2000s. In particular, it shows that the reintroduction of the dominant herbaceous species and the re-establishment of the original cover of pebbles on the soil are not enough, even after 20 years, to restore all the biodiversity of the vegetation and soil after the cultivation of a Mediterranean steppe that is unique in the world.

Léa Saby, doctoral student at IMBE, at the annual conference of the International Society of Plant Sciences

Latest nominations

  • Serigne Gueyea senior lecturer in computer science, has become deputy director of the LIA in April 2023 ;
  • Vincent LabatutHDR Senior Lecturer in Computer Science (LIA) and Pierre-Henri MorandProfessor of Economics (JPEG), succeed Eric Triquet, Professor of Information and Communication Sciences (CNE) and Rachid Elazouzi, Professor of Computer Science (LIA), as directors of the FR Agorantic ;
  • Philippe ObertHDR Professor at Experimental Cardiovascular Physiology Laboratorytakes over from Olivier Dangles, Professor (SQPOV), to the management of EUR Implanteus ;
  • The Centre Norbert Elias (CNE) is headed by two new directors:
    • Brigitte JuanalsProfessor of Information and Communication Sciences (Aix-Marseille University);
    • Dorothée DussyCNRS Research Director and anthropologist.


  • From 6 to 16 October Fête de la Science
    7 October: Village des Sciences - place l'Horloge and Hôtel de Ville, Avignon
    10 October: Café des sciences : "Sport, a matter of the heartby Stéphane Nottin - 8.30pm, Restaurant Françoise, 6 - rue du Général Leclerc - Avignon
    >> All the info
  • 6 October from 13:00 to 14:00
    Webinar for the Société Botanique de France
    The Crau steppe, from its origins to its restoration - by Thierry Dutoit and Daniel Pavon
    >> All the info
  • Until 6 November midnight: apply to the Intitut Universitaire de France (IUF)
    >> Go here

The Research and Innovation Support Department (DARI)

Trombinoscope - Research and Innovation Support Division

The Research and Innovation Support Department (DARI) supports the research activities of its laboratories.
It participates in the implementation and operational management of the University's scientific policy and supports research players in their relations with the various partners in the socio-economic world.

>> The Research and Innovation Support Department (DARI)