Created in 2006, the Carnot label aims to develop partnership research, i.e. research carried out by public laboratories in partnership with socio-economic actors, mainly companies (from SMEs to large groups), in response to their needs.

Partnership research is an important lever for the economy by encouraging business innovation, a guarantee of competitiveness and growth.

The Carnot label is awarded to public research structures, the Carnot institutes, which simultaneously carry out upstream research activities, in order to renew their skills  and a proactive policy in terms of partnership research for the benefit of the socio-economic world.

The Ministry in charge of research awards the label to Carnot institutes after a very selective call for applications.

The originality and efficiency of the Carnot system is based on 4 drivers:

  •  long-term objectives for companies,
  • the actions financed to fulfil these commitments. They are defined each year by the Carnot institutes in accordance with their strategy and the evolution of their ecosystem,
  • financial support based on proven results, rigorous ex-post evaluation (every 3 years) of the achievement of objectives.
  • an integrated network operation, a real lever for the action of each institute,

Each Carnot Institute commits itself to respect progress objectives.

In order to support it in carrying out the actions necessary to achieve these objectives, it receives a financial contribution from the State calculated according to the volume of contracts carried out the previous year with companies.

These actions aim to :

  • ensure scientific resourcing,
  • develop professionalism (awareness of intellectual property, better structuring of project management, internal organisation, etc.),
  • develop socio-economic partnerships,
  • promote the networking of Carnot institutes.

In 2016, 57 M€ are dedicated to the Carnot system (excluding the allocation in the framework of the "Reinforcement of Carnot institutes" component of the "Investissements d'avenir")

Qualiment® is a network of 8 public research units, 1 technological resource centre and 12 platforms, representing a total of approximately 680 scientists. Qualiment® thus offers a set of complementary skills in the field of food: from the study of molecular and cellular mechanisms to consumer behaviour, including eco-design of foods and nutritional and sensory studies.

The objective of Qualiment® is to stimulate innovation in the field of food through the development of partnerships, either internal, between the different research units making up Qualiment®, or external, between public research and companies.

To this end, Qualiment® accompanies companies in their research and innovation projects, combining professionalism and scientific excellence, it constitutes a real gateway to public research in the field of food.

The University of Avignon is one of QUALIMENT's supervisors, through the GREEN team of the UMR SQPOV (UMR 408).

COGNITION- Avignon Computer Laboratory (LIA) of the UAPV Cognition, Human and Society

The field of action of the Carnot Cognition Institute is multiple, touching all the market sectors where the players have products and services with a human and social dimension: transport, media, telecommunications, health, e-commerce, leisure, insurance, security, smart cities...

The objectives of the Carnot Institute COGNITION are to meet the technological expectations of industrialists (large groups, SMEs) with a project management culture, to contribute to the development of regional industrial sectors through efforts to structure research and engineering cooperation projects and to promote a global technological offer, within the framework of the development of human and societal cognition, to the players in the socio-economic world.

The Carnot Cognition project was awarded the Tremplin Carnot label in July 2016.

The Carnot Cognition Institute labelled "Tremplin Carnot

On 6 July 2016, the proposal to create a national Carnot Institute "Cognition", made in the framework of the "Carnot 3" call for projects, was selected by the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research as a "Carnot Springboard".

The newly created "Tremplin Carnot" label was awarded to research units wishing to increase their skills in building contractual relations with companies but not yet experienced in this field.