History, Health, Work, Environment (HSTE) seminar: "Classified as carcinogenic: a history of the classifications of the International Agency for Research on Cancer" with Valentin Thomas, sociologist, CNRS researcher at the Cermes3 laboratory (UMR 8211).
History, Health, Work, Environment (HSTE) seminar: "Classified as carcinogenic: a history of the classifications of the International Agency for Research on Cancer" with Valentin Thomas, sociologist, CNRS researcher at the Cermes3 laboratory (UMR 8211).
The History, Health, Work and Environment (HSTE) research seminar is part of the Ecology and Care of Living Worlds axis of the Centre Norbert Elias (UMR 8562). It is coordinated by Sylvain Bertschy, as part of the ToxCit Chair (Avignon University), with Moritz Hunsmann and Judith Wolf, co-director of GISCOPE 84. The aim is to explore the history of the relationship between [...]