Catégorie : News
[Thesis defence] 12/12/23, Sandra Najac: "Contact de langues et identité chez des Québécois d'origine haïtienne" (ICTT)
Research news
28 November 2023
Thesis defence - 12/12/23, Sandra Najac: "Contact de langues et identité chez des Québécois d'origine haïtienne" (Cultural Identity, Texts and Theatricality laboratory)
[Dissertation defence] 11/12/23, Anaïs Chanclu: "Recognising people by their voices: Definition of a scientific framework to guarantee the reliability of the results of a voice comparison in the forensic context" (LIA)
Research news
27 November 2023
Thesis defence - 11/12/23, Anaïs Chanclu: "Recognising people by their voice: Definition of a scientific framework to guarantee the reliability of the results of a voice comparison in a forensic context" (Laboratoire Informatique d'Avignon)
[Thesis defence] 8/12/23: Claire CLÉMENT: "Medicine and the medical environment at the pontifical court of Avignon (1305-1414)" (CIHAM)
Research news
27 November 2023
Title of thesis "Medicine and the medical environment at the papal court of Avignon (1305-1414)". Date and place 8 December 2023, 14:00Avignon Université, campus Hannah Arendt, salle des thèses Discipline History [...]
[Thesis defense] 11/12/23: Andrea Radici: "A modelling framework for the development of eco-efficient control strategies against aerial plant pathogens: the cases of black rust in wheat and moniliosis in peaches" (INRAE BioSP)
Research news
27 November 2023
Defense of thesis on 11/12/23 : Andrea Radici : "A modelling framework for the development of eco-efficient control strategies against aerial plant pathogens: the cases of black rust in wheat and moniliosis in peaches" (INRAE BioSP).
Colloquium: History of the Opéra Grand Avignon Création (Opus 1)
23 November 2023
To celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Opéra Grand Avignon, a two-part symposium is being organised. Opus 1 will feature a number of lectures on the history of the Opéra Grand Avignon and [...].
[Thesis defence] 30/11/2023: Roberto Laghi: "Il digitale al cuore delle (tras)mutazioni delle scritture e delle realtà italiane"(ICTT)
Research news
23 November 2023
Title of thesis "Il digitale al cuore delle (tras)mutazioni delle scritture e delle realtà italiane" Date and place Salle des thèses, Campus Hannah Arendt - 30 November 2023 to [...]
Avignon University rewarded for its research into public warnings in France
Acculturation to the risks, training exercises and a culture of alert appear to be the three essential levers if we are to hope for effective safety measures, synonymous with protecting the population. [...]
[PhD defence] 24/11/2023 - Mathilde Dubois: "Impact of hyperglycaemia on the sensitivity of the heart to ischaemia-reperfusion" (LaPEC)
Research news
7 November 2023
PhD defence - 24/11/2023 - Mathilde Dubois: "Impact of hyperglycaemia on the sensitivity of the heart to ischaemia-reperfusion: complex interaction between mitochondrial dynamics, calcium homeostasis and production of reactive oxygen species".
Students in packaging, wrapping and packaging at the IUT in Avignon are getting involved in the Telethon by designing donation boxes
7 November 2023