Validate your culture patch

From 14 November you can validate your culture patch:

Every Tuesday from 3pm to 5pm on the Jean-Henri Fabre campusBuilding B hall (in the coming weeks, the stand will rotate through the halls of the other buildings on campus)

Every day at the Hannah Arendt campus reception desk.

The culture patch allows you to benefit from a €5 or €6 rate at over sixty cultural partners in the region (cinemas, theatres, festivals, exhibition venues, concert halls, etc.).

To validate it, you no longer need a photo ID. Simply present your student card or your professional card for staff at the stand or at reception. A sticker will be affixed to your card to activate your culture patch. At our partners' stands, simply present your card with the sticker to benefit from preferential rates.

To find out about all the cultural activities available with the culture patch, follow us on Instagram : @culture.univavignon

Mots clés associés
culture patch culture