Catégorie : News

Back to school 2023-2024

Avignon Université is organising a welcome week for new students (from L1 to PhD) from 1 to 8 September, giving you the opportunity to find out more about the university and its services, and [...].

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Hybridization at the service of innovation


10 July 2023

Avignon Université campus Hannah Arendt - 74, rue Louis Pasteur, Avignon Tuesday 11 July 2023 Members of the EIT Culture & Creativity, the first European consortium dedicated to innovation in the cultural [...].

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[Thesis defence] 10 July 2023 - Estelle Turc: "Contribution to the development of a biocontrol agent against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on oilseed rape", Plant Pathology Unit, INRAE

Research news

7 July 2023

Date and place INRAE, Pathologie végétale, Domaine Saint Maurice, 67 All. des Chênes, 84140 Avignon, 10 July 2023 at 9:30 a.m. Defense in camera Discipline Agronomic sciences Laboratory Unit [...]

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Cultural programme - July 2023

This July, Avignon Université is offering a programme of artistic events focusing on the promotion of student theatre, including a performance by the winning company [...].

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[Distinction] Mursal Dawodi, winner of a special prize from the L'Oréal Foundation - UNESCO

Many congratulations to Mursal Dawodi for her special award received during the ceremony of the 25ᵉ edition of the Fondation L'Oréal - UNESCO "For Women [...] prize.

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[Technology transfer] Framework agreement signed between Avignon University and the Centre Hospitalier d'Avignon

On Friday 16 June 2023, the Centre Hospitalier d'Avignon and Avignon Université officially renewed their desire to work together by signing a framework agreement. The aim of the agreement is to facilitate [...]

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Students, all the keys to finding your accommodation!

Everything you need to know about accommodation in student halls of residence, other types of accommodation and the various forms of assistance available: Official website étudiant.gouv

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[Thesis defence] 7 July 2023 - Léo Lajoie: "Eco-extraction of plants for the development of phytotherapy drugs", GREEN (UMR 408 SQPOV)

Research news

28 June 2023

Date and place Avignon Université, campus Jean-Henri Fabre, amphi agrosciences 7 July 2023 at 9:30 am defence in camera Discipline Chemistry Laboratory GREEN (UMR 408 SQPOV) Supervision Composition of the jury [...]

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[Thesis defence] 4 July 2023 - Coline Pons: "Effects of elicitation by UV-C and hydrogen peroxide on the metabolism of two chilli genotypes", UPRI ERIT PSII

Research news

28 June 2023

Date and place Agrosciences - Tuesday 4 July 14:00 - in camera Discipline Agronomic sciences Laboratory UPRI ERIT PSII Supervision Laurent Urban, director Jawad Aarrouf, co-director Raphaël Lugan, supervisor Camille [...]

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Cultural third places, commons and the SSE: research seminar and workshop

A study day on shared cultural third places and the SSE organised by Émilie Pamart (MCF, Centre Norbert Elias UMR 8562, Avignon University), Maud Pélissier (MCF HDR, IMSIC EA 4262 laboratory, University of [...]

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