Catégorie : News

[Thesis defence] 21/12/23, Romain Chevalier: "Papes, rois et bâtards. Norms and discourse around illegitimate filiation (Papacy and Kingdom of France, 13th-14th centuries)".

Research news

12 December 2023

Defense of thesis in Avignon on 21/12/23, Romain Chevalier: "Papes, rois et bâtards. Norms and discourse around illegitimate filiation (Papacy and Kingdom of France, 13th-14th centuries)".

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[Thesis defence] 18/12/23, Clémentine Leroy: "Sensitivity of wild bees to landscape changes in agroecosystems". (UR 406 Bees & Environment, INRAE)

Research news

7 December 2023

[Thesis defence] 18/12/23, Clémentine Leroy: "Sensitivity of wild bees to landscape changes in agroecosystems". (UR 406 Bees & Environment, INRAE)

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The ANR's Joint Laboratory (LabCom) programme celebrates its 10th anniversary

Research news

6 December 2023

On Thursday 23 November, the French National Research Agency (ANR) celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Joint Laboratory (LabCom) programme at the Maison de la Chimie in Paris.

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[European project] What is the LIFE VineAdapt project?

News Research news

6 December 2023

The LIFE VineAdapt project is a European project, coordinated on the French side by two lecturers from the Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d'Ecologie marine et continentale (IMBE - Avignon University): Armin Bischoff, Professor of Plant Ecology and Plant-Arthropod Interactions and Olivier Blight, Senior Lecturer in Entomology and Plant-Arthropod Interactions. The aim of the project is to test and use plant biodiversity (grassing) to increase the resilience of wine production in the face of climate change. Winegrowing in Europe is having to cope with the effects of climate change. The increase in summer drought, the high risk of erosion due to heavy rainfall and the arrival of new pests require innovative solutions that preserve ecological functions.

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[Thesis defence] 16/12/23, Yosra Belghith: "Eco-extraction of high added-value biomolecules from olive pomace" (SQPOV)

Research news

6 December 2023

[Thesis defense] 16/12/23, Yosra Belghith : "Eco-extraction of high added value biomolecules from olive pomace" (SQPOV)

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[Thesis defense] 11/12/23: Léo Mouillard-Lample: "Competition between bees, the emergence of floral resources as a common good" (INRAE Abeilles)

Research news

6 December 2023

[Thesis defense] 11/12/23 : Léo Mouillard-Lample : "Competition between bees, the emergence of floral resources as a common good" (INRAE Abeilles et environnement, ITSAP - Institut de l'abeille, Dynafor)

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The Port of Marseille Fos and Avignon University are removing concrete foundations to breathe new life into an exceptional ecosystem: the Crau "coussouls".

News Research news

5 December 2023

From 4 to 8 December 2023, the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille will for the first time be removing a concrete slab that used to support a workshop built in 1971 to service the Ventillon industrial estate in Fos-sur-Mer.

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[Thesis defense] 18/12/23: Julio Cesar Perez Garcia: "Contribution to security and privacy in the Internet of Things based on Blockchain: Robustness, reliability, and scalability." (LIA)

Research news

5 December 2023

[18/12/23 : Julio Cesar Perez Garcia : "Contribution to security and privacy in the Internet of Things based on Blockchain: Robustness, reliability, and scalability". (LIA)

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[Defense de thèse] 18/12/23 : Adrien Servent - Rationalisation des conditions opératoires au cours de la transformation de fruits tropicaux pour maximiser les qualités sensorielle et nutritionnelle. Application to flash détente and tangential filtration (INRAE/UMR SQPOV)

Research news

4 December 2023

[Defense de thèse] 18/12/23 : Adrien Servent - Rationalisation des conditions opératoires au cours de la transformation de fruits tropicaux pour maximiser les qualités sensorielle et nutritionnelle. Application to flash détente and tangential filtration (INRAE/UMR SQPOV)

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[Thesis defence] 12/12/23: Thomas Pressecq: "Development of a decision-making tool to promote the use of microbial biocontrol" (INRAE Pathologie Végétale, INRAE Ecodéveloppement and APREL)

Research news

4 December 2023

[Thesis defence] 12/12/23: Thomas Pressecq: "Development of a decision support tool to promote the use of microbial biocontrol" (INRAE Pathologie Végétale, INRAE Ecodéveloppement and APREL)

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