[SFTLV testimonial] Alain Gerbaud

I hold a national diploma in oenology, which I obtained in 1986 at the Faculty of Pharmacy in Montpellier. I've been working in this profession for thirty years. For the first ten years I was a technical manager in a large cooperative winery, and for the last twenty years I've been doing the same job in another winery of a similar size. So my skills are mainly technical.
Over the years, I felt that a routine was setting in, and in 2010 I asked my employer to carry out a skills assessment. This revealed my ability to pass on knowledge and a certain amount of teaching know-how. It has to be said that since my early student days, I've never stopped giving maths support lessons to secondary school pupils in difficulty. And on another level, I've always enjoyed taking on trainees in my company, supporting them and sharing my practice and experience with them. I was noticed by the CFPPA in Carpentras. Last spring, they offered me a work placement in the absence of their oenology trainer. From there, the idea of becoming a trainer and the desire for a change in my professional life germinated within me. Perhaps at first I'd simply do some temporary work as a complement to my job, and then why not envisage a smooth end to my career devoted solely to training?
Madame Ceccaroli, who was in charge of training at the CFPPA, pointed me in the direction of the adult trainer degree available at the University of Avignon. I applied for individual training leave, which was accepted, as was the funding for it. So it was a logical step for me to enrol in the Adult Trainer Licence in September 2018.
What I liked most about the course was the close contact with the human sciences, coming as I did from a more scientific background.
I was very interested in pedagogy, didactics and the basics of communication.
It gave me the tools I needed to pass on knowledge.
The sandwich course is absolutely essential for practising and training. It allows you to gain first-hand experience and share your feedback with the group at the university.
When I talk about the Bachelor's degree, the first thing I'd like to mention is the warm welcome, the kindness and the attentiveness that I found there. Of course, the quality of the teaching and the professionalism of the teaching staff are also remarkable.
I would also recommend this degree to anyone who wants to learn about e-Learning, ICT and new teaching technologies, as I understand that this has become a major focus of the programme.
The period of sanitary confinement and teleworking in spring 2020 underlines the importance and necessity for trainers to master these techniques.
Discover the training >>> Licence Professionnelle Métier de la GRH - Ingénierie, Conseil et Animation de Formation (ICAF) (Professional degree in HRM - Training engineering, consultancy and facilitation)
Mis à jour le 16 February 2024