Training rates - Quotation

For courses and diplomas specifically organised by the Lifelong Learning Department in Continuing Education

All short courses and degree courses are subject to a fee.
The price of each course is specified in the detailed programme available on the training pages of the website (in the FTLV section and the "Continuing training price list" insert) or on request.
An estimate can be sent to you on request from the training managers. Please specify your full name, address, e-mail and telephone number, as well as the third-party funder, if applicable: OPCO, Pôle Emploi, Employer, Agefiph ....

List of courses supported by the Lifelong Learning Department

For all other diplomas (initial training public fc)

Your application must be made online or directly to the pedagogical secretariat of the degree you are considering.

You must have the following completed registration authorisation by the education officer and send it to us.

An estimate can be sent to you on request. Please specify the title of the training course, your full name, address, e-mail address and telephone number, as well as the third-party funder (if applicable): OPCO, Pôle Emploi, Employer, Agefiph .... and any other useful information.

Application to be sent to :

Must register as part of continuing education (at the continuing education rate):

  • employees covered by their employer or a third-party funding body
  • beneficiaries of a professionalisation contract or a PRO-A (e.g. professionalisation period)
  • jobseekers receiving benefits and RSA recipients

The specific rates voted by the Board of Directors apply. In the absence of a specific tariff, the cost is :

for level IV and III diplomas (bac+1 and +2): €15 per hour,
for level II and I diplomas (bac+3 and above): €20 per hour

University fees and any VAPP fees are extra.
The CVEC Student Life and Campus Contribution does not apply to continuing education students.

We will help you find funding before you start your training.

Must ask for an appointment to study their situation carefully

  • employees in a personal process,
  • jobseekers not receiving benefit,
  • pensioners
You must open your activity account to use your training account.

From career development advisors are available to assist you.

Avignon Université d is a signatory of the SPRO South Region. A freephone number to advise you : 0 800 600 007 (free service and call)
The training fee corresponds to a contribution to the costs of training which are not covered by the State and which must be borne by the players with competence in the field of continuing vocational training (Regional Councils, OPCOs, employers, Pôle Emploi, etc.). The latter then intervene according to their own criteria, which may leave some costs to be borne by individuals.

Not covered by continuing education:

How to register for a diploma

  1. Fulfil the prerequisites or benefit from a validation of prior learning
  2. To have determined the methods of financing the training and to have obtained the agreements of assumption of responsibility of the possible financiers
  3. To be admitted to the course
  4. If you are foreign studentYou may also have to carry out specific formalities

Employees, jobseekers

LFVS training courses

04 32 74 32 20

Resuming studies Entering initial training

04 32 74 32 27