
Midisciences 2024

The 2024 edition of Midisciences is over, you can watch the lectures again online on Canal U.


To follow them live, go here: https://v-au.univ-avignon.fr/live/colloque/

As part of its mission to disseminate and popularise scientific culture, the University of Avignon has been offering since 2013 MIDISCIENCES :
short" conferences, GENERAL PUBLICThursday between 1 and 2 pm from January to the beginning of June.

This scheme is supported at the university by the Scientific and Technical Culture of the Research and Innovation Support Directorate with the support of the UFR-ip Sciences, Technologies, Health, and in collaboration with researchers from the disciplines represented at the University (University staff-Doctoral researcher EPST in Sciences and Agrosciences or Human and Social Sciences or invited researchers).

The dissemination of scientific culture is an important issue beyond the academic world because it is at the interface of several major axes: access to scientific knowledge for all citizens, the development of a taste for science in young people and the promotion of scientific and technical heritage.

We are offering a series of short lectures on a wide variety of subjects (30-minute presentation and 30-minute discussion) aimed at the university community, the general public in Avignon and social and economic partners. The aim is to convey the essentials of a research topic and then, during a discussion, to share questions and thoughts on emerging knowledge.

Midisciences are offered on both campuses:

  • January to mid-March, Campus Hannah Arendt, amphitheatre 2E01, 1pm to 2pm
  • From the end of March to the end of May, Jean-Henri Fabre Campus, Ada Lovelace lecture theatre (CERI) from 1pm to 2pm
Different types of conferences and speakers:
  • Presentation (popularisation) of a research topic by one or more PhD students from the University
  • Presentation (popularisation) of a research work by a researcher (university or other research organisation) or of a History of Science issue...
  • Presentation (popularisation) of the work of doctoral students in the context of the "My thesis in 180 seconds" competition or of students in the context of the "36h Chrono de la création d'entreprise" (36-hour business creation)

>> Download the MidiSciences 2024 programme

>> Midisciences coming soon