Research News - November / December 2021 #6


[Videos] The Agorantic Research Federation in videos: its players, its projects, its prospects

Discover or rediscover the Agorantic Research Federation in five videos!

Presentation of the Agorantic Research Federation

The BV-RAGE research project: study of polling stations and analysis of voting practices

The CoCoMa research project: Signed graph modelling to detect corruption and collusion in public contracts

The POLI-APP research project: Digital policies for heritage visitor facilities

Review and future prospects of the Agorantic Research Federation

Produced by Image Mouvement

Information on development, partnerships and intellectual property

Signing of a collaboration contract: Esch2022 project

Avignon University, the City of Esch, ESCH2022 and the Oeuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte have signed a collaboration agreement for the study of "Participation in the new Esch2022 cultural third places: Bâtiment IV, FerroForum & Kamelleschmelz, DKollage"..

This subject will be studied by three researchers from the Culture & Communication Laboratory at Avignon University: Emilie PamartLecturer in Information and Communication Sciences, Jean-Christophe VilatteLecturer in Education at the University of Lorraine, and Pascal Quidua researcher and teacher (PRAG-IUT Avignon).

The project began on 1 October 2021 and will run until February 2023 (17 months).
>> Find out more about ESCH2022 

Signature of a framework agreement between Avignon University (EMMAH), the municipality of Fontaine de Vaucluse and Syndicat Mixte du Bassin des Sorgues

Avignon University, the Syndicat Mixte du Bassin des Sorgues and the commune of Fontaine de Vaucluse have signed a 5-year framework agreement for research collaboration on "The study of a particular hydrogeological object: the karstic spring known as La Fontaine de Vaucluse.
This agreement will enable Mediterranean Environment and Agro-Hydrosystem Modelling Laboratory (EMMAH) to further their research on this topic.

The portraits

December 2021 - Clémentine Leroy

Clémentine Leroy is a doctoral student in ecophysiology. She is working on wild beesThe aim is to use physiology to establish sensitivity profiles for bees as a function of both the environment in which they live and the resources available to them.
She is also involved in science outreach and popularisation activities, and has been selected for the Sciences en Bulles 2022 competition which enables doctoral students to summarise their work and their lives as research students in the form of comic strips.

>> Discover his portrait

November 2021 - David Galli

David Galli is a senior lecturer in Information and Communication Sciences. Her research focuses on the "living" spectacle, which enables scientific research to be combined with artistic creation.
He is studying this form of research-creation based on scenes from contemporary life, where communication via digital interfaces is playing an increasingly important role.

>> Discover his portrait


Farid Chemat once again ranked among the world's most cited researchers - Clarivate Ranking 2021

For the fourth year running, Farid Chemat, University Professor of Chemistry, lecturer and researcher at Avignon University and director of the Eco-Extraction of Natural Products Research Group (Green) at UMR 408 INRAE-Avignon University, has been ranked among the world's most influential researchers.


Ceremony to mark the 30th anniversary of the IUF and presentation of medals to the winners

On 5 November 2021, the 30th anniversary of the IUF (1991-2021) was celebrated and the two new classes of Juniors and Seniors, 2020 and 2021, were installed. On this occasion, Paola Ranzini and Johnny Douvinet received their personalised IUF medal, struck by the Monnaie de Paris.

was appointed a senior member of the IUF on 1 October 2020 and a junior member on 1 October 2021.

>> Find out more - Actualité de l'IUF - 08/11/2021


LSBB2020 project inauguration ceremony

On 16 November 2021, the LSBB (Laboratoire Souterrain à Bas Bruit de Rustrel) was the venue for the inauguration of the achievements of the LSBB 2020 project, with two new galleries that will very shortly house the first section of the Equipex MIGA, as well as a technology hall.


Doctoral Schools

Upcoming thesis defences


Discover the welcome guide for international researchers and doctoral students

Avignon University welcomes foreign professors, researchers, doctoral students or post-doctoral fellows wishing to come and teach in our institution or to do a research stay in one of our laboratories.

Are you planning to join us? To make your arrival in Avignon easier, we have published a bilingual French-English guide to help you prepare for your stay.

>> Reception of international researchers and doctoral students

Research projects

What is the LIFE VineAdapt project?

The project LIFE VineAdapt is a European project, the French part of which is coordinated by two lecturers from the IMBE laboratory (Avignon University): Armin BischoffProfessor of Plant Ecology and Plant-Arthropod Interactions, and Olivier BlightLecturer in entomology and plant-arthropod interactions. The aim of the project is to test and use plant biodiversity (grassing) to increase the resilience of wine production in the face of climate change.

>> [European project] What is the LIFE VineAdapt project?

Data Management Plan workshop for ANR project coordinators

The project engineering and international development division of the DARI, in

in collaboration with the University Library's documentary IT department, organised a workshop on 8 November 2021 to exchange information on the Data Management Plan for ANR project coordinators.

Indeed, since 2019 and in compliance with the National Plan for Open Science, project leaders funded by the ANR are required to provide a Data Management Plan within the first six months of their project. The aim of the workshop was to take stock of the resources available and the difficulties encountered by project coordinators in this exercise. It also provided an opportunity to address the broader issue of Avignon Université's open science policy and the needs of teacher-researchers in terms of support for open access and open data.

Scientific and Technical Culture

Éditions Universitaires d'Avignon, Collection MidiSciences: "L'eau : introduction à une ressource rare (Christophe Emblanch, Sarah Jourdren)".

The MidiSciences collection, created in 2018, offers scientific summaries, written and produced with a view to sharing knowledge widely. This title is a perfect example of this approach: richly illustrated, it makes it easier to understand the contemporary issues surrounding this resource. The water cycle, availability, catchment/water catchment areas, green/blue water, the water footprint...

>> Read the introduction on the EUA website
>> Listen to the broadcast of 29/11/2021, Christophe Emblanch interviewed by Teddy Follenfant

The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation announces the first winners of the "Science with and for Society" award scheme

As part of the measures stemming from the law on research programming around the theme of "Science with and for society", and on the recommendation of the jury, Minister Frédérique Vidal has drawn up the list of the first university sites to be awarded the "Science with and for society" label.

>> Find out more about the winners

The University Library at the service of research

Videos: "Spotlight on open science

The Toulouse Capitole University - SCD and the Couperin Consortium, in partnership with URFIST Occitanie, have put a new video mini-series online.
"A spotlight on open science.

This humorous mini-series has several aims:

  • Raising awareness of the need to disseminate knowledge among doctoral students and young researchers
  • Informing researchers about the challenges of Open Science
  • Deconstructing preconceptions about open-access scientific publishing

Episode 1: My thesis in Open Access
Episode 2: Open Access, a complement to traditional publishing
Episode 3: Open my data
Episode 4: Researchers, key players in open science

Press review of research at Avignon University

Cap-4-Multi-Can'Alert project

As part of the "Cap-4-Multi-Can'Alert" research project, funded by the ANR and the SGDSN, and coordinated by Johnny Douvinet, a new public alert platform will be available in France by June 2022 at the latest.
>> Read in Challenges - 26/10/2021 

Publication of an article in "Pour la Science".

In issue 529 of the October 2021 issue of "Pour la Science", Elise Buisson, Marie-Ange Ngo Bieng and Thierry Gauquelin published an article entitled "Pour une reforestation raisonnée", which shows that restoring degraded forest environments involves more than just planting trees.
>> Read the article in "Pour la Science" - 18/10/2021


Implanteus Lectures 2022

19 January
14H30-16H00 Garry Martin: "Conserving High Atlas agrobiodiversity, a lecture about your initiative and its impact on socioeconomy and biodiversity?

>> Follow the videoconference live

MidiSciences 2022

1pm to 2pm, Campus Hannah Arendt, amphi 2E01
Live broadcast

27 January Frédéric Jeorge on "Talking differently, thinking differently

3 February Antioch online: the contribution of Princeton's digitised excavation archives", by Eric Morvillez

Science Café

8.30pm, Avignon - Restaurant Françoise6 rue du Général Leclerc

6 January Permaculture: a field in reinvention

20th January Ecosystem disruption and the emergence of new technologies

10 February Cybercrime, who are the new crooks?

24 February Artificial intelligence and the jobs of tomorrow.

University lectures - 6.00 pm
Avignon - Hannah Arendt Campus

27 January With Jean-Marc Levy-Leblond
"One day, one voice

24 February With François Marchal
"What makes us human?

>> Avignon programme

The Research and Innovation Support Department (DARI)

The Research and Innovation Support Department (DARI), formerly the Maison de la Recherchesupports the research activities of its laboratories.
It participates in the implementation and operational management of the University's scientific policy and supports research players in their relations with the various partners in the socio-economic world.>> The Research and Innovation Support Department (DARI)


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By entering your request on this contact form, you agree that we may keep your data for the time necessary to provide you with an answer. The person in charge of the processing is Mr. President of Avignon University and you may exercise the rights conferred on you by the General Data Protection Regulation by contacting the Data Protection Officer: .