[Profile] Tiffany Antoine, Nutrition Research and Innovation Officer (IGBALANCe, LAPEC)
What is your research about?
Within the business unit IGBalanceI'm responsible for proposing scientific solutions for measuring the glycaemic indexes of food and drink products using models. in vitro and clinical studies. At the same time, this project aims to improve internal processes and contribute to the development of fundamental research.

What are your current scientific activities?
I am currently using my work withIGBalanceThe aim is to propose and develop new scientific tools for the food industry to optimise recipes and add value to products. The aim is to propose and develop new scientific tools for the food industry to optimise recipes and add value to products.
Why did you choose to work in academic research?
I've always been fascinated by the human body and all its complexity. I discovered the world of research during a work placement during my engineering studies. My thirst for learning led me to continue with a PhD to gain an in-depth understanding of the laws of human physiology and the effects of diet on health. By working in the world of research, we can constantly educate ourselves and contribute to the perpetual evolution of science.
What advice would you give to students who want to do research?
You have to be patient and give yourself the right to make mistakes. Research is a complex world that can sometimes be frustrating, but above all it's a world where you can grow and evolve in so many ways. So persevere, don't close any doors and let your creativity do the talking! Your thirst for learning and your scientific curiosity will be rewarded.
What object or image from your business best illustrates you?

This diary is a good representation of who I am and how I work: for me, good organisation is essential.
The laboratory: LAPEC
The Experimental Cardiovascular Physiology Laboratory (UPR 4278) is particularly interested in cardiac and vascular dysfunctions linked to cardiometabolic pathologies (type II diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome) and their prevention and rehabilitation through physical activity and/or nutrition, with a particular focus on oxidative stress. The involvement of inflammatory status and the nitric oxide (NO) pathway in the genesis of this oxidative stress is a central issue in our work.
The IGBALANCE business unit
IGBalance is a business unit of the Université d'Avignon, which offers scientific solutions for measuring the glycaemic indexes of nutritional innovations in in vitro and clinical models. IGBalance also offers scientific support to improve recipes and gain a better understanding of the impact of nutrition on human health. IGBalance's current business is booming, and it works with both food companies and local craftsmen.

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Mis à jour le 4 May 2023