[Portrait] Matthieu Vignal, Senior Lecturer in Geography (ESPACE)
What is your research about?
As a geographer, my research focuses on the interactions between societies and their environment. More specifically, it focuses on the study of the impact of global change on the spatial and temporal dynamics of vegetation. To do this, my approach is based on the synergy of data collection campaigns, spatial analysis and the development of statistical and spatial models. The aim of my research is to produce spatialized knowledge that can be used by territorial actors to help them in their decision-making. This concerns for example the establishment of conservation strategies

What are your current scientific activities?
My current scientific work is in line with my research on the impact of global change on the distribution of plant species, particularly through methodological questions on (bio)geographical objects adapted to the study of change. A paper on this subject was presented at the International Geographical Union Congress in July 2022.
At the same time, projects are being launched on the impact of citizen initiatives to collect naturalist data on our knowledge of the distribution patterns of plant species and on the other hand, on the impact of the frequency and intensity of major climatic events such as droughts on vegetation structure. Two projects whose objectives are, in the long term, to identify areas at stake, to determine the capacity of adaptation and the potential of resilience of the territory.
In fact, it is in connection with these projects that I will be hosting, together with Johnny Douvinet and Philippe Rossello, on the theme of climate change and its consequences on societies and natural environments.
Why did you choose to work in academic research?
Curiosity and the desire to contribute to the development of knowledge concerning environmental issues led me to take an interest in research. I then chose to work in university research, because it allows for applied, public research, the results of which can be directly used by the various territorial actors. It is therefore possible to envisage concrete spin-offs of the work carried out by researchers on society.
University research also allows forcombining teaching and researchof imparting knowledge and thus to promote exchanges and debates. Finally, university research offers a freedom which seems to me to be essential in the practice of research.
What advice would you give to students who want to do research?
I would advise students to be curious and persistent. To acquire a good knowledge of the fields they are passionate about in order to be able to stand back and be critical. To dare to question, reconsider and re-evaluate everything, whether from a theoretical or methodological point of view. To believe in their abilities, and to cultivate their creativity.
What object or image from your business best illustrates you?
A field campaign: where new ideas emerge and the data on which the models are based is collected.

The laboratory
Matthieu Vignal is a member of the SPACE - UMR7300 (Study of Structures and Processes of Adaptation and Change in Space).
The portraits
Mis à jour le 22 December 2022