Avignon Université is committed to protecting your privacy and your personal data when you browse our website. That is why we have drawn up this document detailing our personal data protection policy.

This section describes the purposes for which personal data is collected and how you can exercise your rights in this respect.
By using our website, you agree to the terms of this privacy statement.


Personal data" means any information about you by which you can be directly or indirectly identified.

This site is an institutional site whose purpose is to inform you about our institution.
On some pages you may find forms for collecting personal data (e.g. newsletter subscription forms).
The information collected on this occasion will be processed solely by the Université d'Avignon for the following purposes:
for communication purposes to newsletter subscribers, to collect internship offers.

The recipients of this information are the staff members of the University of Avignon.
In accordance with the amended "Data Protection Act" of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access and rectify any information concerning you.
You can access information about yourself by contacting :
You can unsubscribe at any time by using the links in the newsletters. You may also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of your data.
For more information, see your rights at the CNIL website.

Collection and protection of personal data

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, amended in 2004, the Université d'Avignon has declared the collection and processing of your Personal Data to the CNIL.
The person responsible for processing personal data is the President of Avignon Université.
The information collected may include personal data that allows you to
identify you directly or indirectly. Other information that does not normally identify you (such as the type of browser used) is also collected.
Some of the data collected is mandatory while other data is only optional.

The purposes of data collection

The purposes are informational.

Your rights regarding data collection

You have the right to access, modify and delete data concerning you in accordance with the provisions of the law of 6 January 1978 on information technology, files and freedoms.
To exercise these rights, you may choose to address your request to
By e-mail to :

An unsubscription link appears on each e-mail that the Université d'Avignon sends you, based on a prior request made by yourself by subscribing to a newsletter or by clicking on a contact or information request form.

Recipients of the data collected

Are identified as recipients the staff of the University of Avignon who, because of their functions, have access to these data.

Hosting of collected data

The personal data collected is stored on servers hosted in France only.

Cookie management

Cookies cover all the traces deposited on your hard disk when you consult a website.
Cookies enable the collection of certain navigation data in order to facilitate the subsequent use of the website. The information contained in these cookies can only be read or modified by the sender.
Cookies are installed when you navigate on
However, you can easily object to the tracking of cookies by following the procedure proposed by the browser you are using.

Cookies enable Avignon Université to improve the ergonomics of its website by compiling statistics (number of visits, length of time pages are consulted, time spent, etc.).

Your rights concerning the insertion of cookies

You have the option to accept or decline the insertion of cookies. Your initial choice can be modified at any time by following a procedure that differs depending on the browser used. For the management of cookies, you can refer to the help menu of your browser in order to configure your navigation software.

Any insertion of cookies is subject to your consent. Thus, after obtaining your consent, cookies may be stored on your hard disk. Only the sender can access and modify them.

If you do not want cookies to be inserted

If you refuse to accept cookies on your hard drive, some browsing functions may be impaired.
Therefore, we decline all responsibility concerning the degraded functioning of our website in case you refuse the insertion of cookies necessary for an appropriate navigation.

Social networks

The contents of our website can be shared through social networks (Facebook,
Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter...).
When you are connected to social networks and at the same time browse, a connection is established between the servers of the social networks and those of our website.
If you react on the website by leaving a comment for example, the information related to this comment will be published on your personal account of the social network used.
If you refuse to allow the social network to collect your information via the site., it is necessary to disconnect from the social network before any navigation on the website.
For more information on the protection and confidentiality of your personal data, we invite you to consult the data protection policies of the social networks used.

Security and Internet browsing


In order to offer you a peaceful browsing experience, we take all necessary measures to ensure the security of the collection and processing of your personal data.

Malicious uses

We recommend that you protect your password and not communicate it to anyone. We would also like to point out that no employee of the University of Avignon will ask you to communicate your password.
E-mails received from the Université d'Avignon, links and passwords must never be passed on to third parties to avoid any risk of identity theft.
If you become aware of any malicious use of your personal data or if you receive an e-mail from Avignon Université that you believe to be fraudulent, please inform our departments immediately by writing to us at the e-mail address ( + in copy due to the future EU regulation)

However, the security of your network is your sole responsibility. Avignon Université cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for the capture of your personal data by other operators while you are surfing the Internet.
We recommend that you have up-to-date anti-virus software on your device, install a firewall and control access to your home network for added security.
You use the site at your own risk and in compliance with applicable laws. In no event shall the site editor be liable for any direct or indirect damages, including but not limited to material damages, loss of data or programs, or financial damages, resulting from access to or use of this site or any linked sites. The content of the site is presented without any guarantee of any kind.

Content of the site

The content made available on the site is provided for information purposes only. The existence of a link from this site to another site does not constitute validation of that site or its content. It is your responsibility to use this information with discernment and a critical mind. Avignon Université cannot be held responsible for information, opinions and recommendations formulated by third parties. If you notice any non-compliant content, please inform the webmaster.

Intellectual property

The Université d'Avignon is the exclusive holder of all intellectual property rights relating to both the structure and content of the website worldwide. The Université d'Avignon grants the user the right to reproduce all or part of the content of the site for storage for the purposes of representation on a single-user screen and reproduction, in one copy, for back-up copies or printing on paper. This right is granted for strictly personal, private and non-collective use, and any networking, redistribution or total or partial marketing of this content to third parties, in any form whatsoever, is strictly prohibited.
Notwithstanding the rights of reproduction and storage as strictly defined above, and without the prior and express authorisation of the Université d'Avignon, you are prohibited from reproducing and/or using the logos present on the site as well as modifying, copying, translating, reproducing, selling, publishing, exploiting and distributing in a digital or other format, all or part of the information, texts, photos, images, videos and Data present on this site. Violation of these mandatory provisions subjects you, and all persons responsible, to the criminal and civil penalties provided for by law in article L713-2 of the French Intellectual Property Code.


University of Avignon
74 rue Louis Pasteur 84029 Avignon cedex
Tel: +33 (0)4 90 16 25 00

SIRET NUMBER: 198 406 852


The President of Avignon University


All rights reserved on photos and images. Avignon University


The site is hosted by the Direction Opérationnelle des Systèmes d'Information. Click here to visit their website.


E-mail address of the Data Protection Officer: