Projects, Partnerships and International Development Division

Engineering of research projects

The Pôle assists the University's teacher-researchers in all their applications for funding in response to calls for research projects:

  • Internal calls for projects This includes incoming and outgoing mobility requests, and calls for projects from the Research Commission.
  • Funding of theNational Research Agency and other national agencies.
  • European funding, notably Horizon 2020 (including ERC and Marie Curie).
  • Any other regional, national or international research programme.

The International Research and Development Project Engineering Unit works in close collaboration with the laboratories, the other units of the Research and Innovation Support Department (DARI) (Partnership, Valorisation, Scientific Communication, Doctoral Schools) and the departments involved in the management of the funding obtained (particularly Finance and Human Resources).

It organises information meetings or workshops on the different funding programmes, and helps laboratories to build a funding strategy for their research.

Services offered

  • Targeted monitoring of calls for projects by theme/disciplinary field.
  • Accompanying candidates in positioning their project.
  • Proofreading and advising on the content of the application.
  • Assistance in finding partners.
  • Handling of administrative, legal and financial aspects.
  • Link with governance for signatures where appropriate.
  • Link with the financial department for the implementation and monitoring of the funding obtained.

International development

The cluster accompanies the international mobility of researchers and supports the international development and attractiveness of Avignon University. The cluster is the Euraxess contact point for the reception of international researchers at Avignon University.

Services offered

  • Assistance to international researchers and doctoral students in their procedures before arriving at Avignon University, in particular their visa application.
  • Reception of international researchers and doctoral students and support in their application to renew their residence permit.
  • Support for researchers and doctoral students of Avignon University in their international mobility.
  • International development of the University and cooperation with foreign universities.
  • Strengthening the visibility and attractiveness of Avignon University on the international scene.


Services offered in economic development and partnerships

  • To provide guidance and advice to project leaders from the university community or the socio-economic world in order to accelerate and facilitate research collaborations.
  • Active networking with the socio-economic world and detection of companies' requests for innovation and/or skills.
  • Organisation of events to encourage the emergence of collaborations between the university and companies, in partnership with the territory's innovation networks.
  • Monitoring of collaboration opportunities.


Mariama Cottrant and Malaury Boissier are the Contact Points EURAXESS for the reception of foreign researchers at Avignon University. You can request them at any time, in French or English, by writing to

Mariama Cottrant
Research and Innovation Support Directorate (DARI)
Head of the division
+33 4 90 16 25 73
+33 6 07 13 88 56

Malaury Boissier
Directorate for Research and Innovation Support (DARI) & University Research School Implanteus
International Development Officer
+33 7 64 20 66 45
+33 4 13 95 13 28

Francesco Romano
Research and Innovation Support Directorate (DARI)
Research and training project support officer
+33 4 13 95 13 68

Bérénice Tricarico
Research and Innovation Support Directorate (DARI)
Support for research and training projects
+33 4 90 16 28 23

Émilie Nozières
Research and Innovation Support Directorate (DARI)
Responsible for administrative follow-up of research projects
+33 4 13 95 13 69

Nathalie Franck
Research and Innovation Support Directorate (DARI)
Responsible for administrative follow-up of research projects
+33 4 13 95 13 69

Pierre Aumont
Research and Innovation Support Directorate (DARI)
Economic Development and Partnership Engineer
+33 4 90 16 28 47
+33 7 60 58 04 21

Sophie Parisel
Research and Innovation Support Directorate (DARI)
Partnership Chair Support Officer
+33 4 13 95 13 67