News 22 March 2023

On 17 March, the Sciences, Technologies, Health UFR of Avignon University organised its first Master's degree ceremony on the Jean-Henri Fabre campus, at the agrosciences centre.

The 2022 graduates received their precious credentials during a ceremony organised for the occasion. Families were also present to witness the event. 

This ceremony allowed the 44 graduates present to come together to celebrate their academic success and their entry into the professional world. 

After official speeches by Ange Polidori, vice-president of the CFVU of Avignon University, and Christophe Emblanch, dean of the UFR STS and master of ceremonies, each student went on stage to receive their diploma, given by a teacher-researcher of their course. 

Five scientific masters were honoured, reflecting the diversity of the training courses offered in science at Avignon University:

  • international master in agrosciences ;
  • Master's degree in Sciences and techniques of physical and sports activities ;
  • Master in Plant Production Quality Management ;
  • Master of Food Production Engineering and
  • master Hydrogeology, soil and environment.

The ceremony ended with a group photo and the traditional toque toss, and with a glass of friendship where the participants were able to reminisce, in a more informal way, about their years of study.