JAE / Student Welcome Day on 5 October from 12pm to 0am at the Rocher des Doms


12pm/5pm - ASSOCIATION VILLAGE - Rocher des Doms

Here you'll find your student associations, as well as a host of organisations to help you make the most of your life in Avignon (CPAM, Orizo, Crous Aix-Marseille Avignon, AFEV, Logitude, Croix-Rouge, Les Entrep' Vaucluse, CIDFF, la Boussole des Jeunes, EFS, Association de prévention routière, Unicité, Planning familial / PAEJ, UNICEF, Latitudes, RAV etc.).

1pm/6pm - PAP'EXPRESS in the city

Join a team to discover the city of Avignon and its main monuments (the Popes' Palace, Pont d'Avignon, Hôtel de ville, Opéra Grand Avignon, Maison Jean Vilar, Musée Requiem) in an orienteering race organised by the city and students from Avignon's higher education establishments. Solve the riddles in each location in record time to win this 2nd edition of Pap'Express.
Registration on the town's stand on the same day at the Rocher des Doms.

12h/0h FOOD TRUCKS - Rocher des Doms

Throughout the day, the Rocher des Doms snack bar and food trucks will be offering pizzas, burgers, drinks, poke bowls, etc. at student prices.

5pm/7.30pm - APERO AND MUSICAL TREMPLIN Rocher des Doms

An aperitif will be offered to the students present by the City of Avignon, during the Tremplin musical organised by the Culture.com association. The winner of the Tremplin de l'Atypik 2023, Corentin (DJ), will perform on stage.

20h/0h - ATYPIK FESTIVAL - CULTURE.COM Rocher des Doms

From 6pm, access to the festival is exclusively via the Place du Palais des Papes. This is the latest edition of the Atypik Festival organised by the student association Culture.com. Three groups will take to the stage at the Rocher des Doms for the first evening of the festival: Nadir (rap), Pakalo (pop) and Send me love letters (rock).

The Atypik Festival continues at La Scierie on 6 and 7 October. Detailed programme on the event's social networks.

Free admission for all students

From bus tickets are offered to Agroparc students (to be collected from your school's reception desk).

Good for the environment ! Bring your water bottle during the day and your ecocup in the evening! Water points will be on site.

Find out more about the day at :


Atypik Festival d'Avignon

Inter'Asso Avignon