Food distribution by Les Collectes solidaires
📅 Free food and hygiene distribution by the association Les Collectes Solidaires 🗓️8 April 🎯 For all Avignon Université students On Tuesday 8 April from 11am in the [...]
📅 Free food and hygiene distribution by the association Les Collectes Solidaires 🗓️8 April 🎯 For all Avignon Université students On Tuesday 8 April from 11am in the [...]
Date and place: 24/04/2025 1pm to 2pm Avignon University, Jean-Henri Fabre Campus, Building A, Agrosciences Amphi Free admission Live on V-AU On 24 April, Pierre Jourlin, Maître [...]
Date and venue: 15/05/2025 1pm to 2pm Avignon Université, Campus Jean-Henri Fabre, Bâtiment A, Amphi Agrosciences Free admission Live on V-AU On 15 May, Joyce Alvarez, a post-doctoral [...]