Getting around

ORIZO bus network

The Orizo bus network serves all the communes of Greater Avignon.

How do I get from the TGV and Centre stations to the University (Campus Hannah Arendt)?
  • From the TGV station: take a bus from the line 10 to the Blanchissage stop and connect with a line 2 to the University.
  • From Avignon Centre station or Gare Routière: take a bus from the line 2 at Blanchissage or St Michel towards the University.

Consult the timetables of the lines on Orizo website

How to travel between the Hannah Arendt campus and the Jean-Henri Fabre campus?

Take a bus from line 3. The journey is direct and without connection.
Consult the timetable on Orizo website

Need a different route or a specific time?

Go to Orizo website

Download the Orizo Mobile application (available on iOS and Android)

Which ticket to use to travel?

Travelling regularly by bus: subscribe, you'll win!
Consult the subscription rates according to your profile

And how to get around differently?

Carpooling in Vaucluse

Car sharing in Vaucluse

BLABLA CAR DAILY - Greater Avignon car-sharing scheme

With BlaBlaCar Daily, your Conurbation finances your car-sharing. 

ZOU - regional transport network 


Self-service electric bicycles.
200 bicycles spread over 17 stations in Avignon.
Practical, economical and environmentally friendly, Vélopop is the ideal means of transport for your short journeys around town, whether one-off or regular. The service is available 24/7.


Transport Info Point
PEM (Pôle d'Échanges Multimodaux)
270 Avenue de la gare
84200 CarpentrasMonday to Friday, 8.30am to 6.30pm
and Saturday from 9:00 to 12:00
Tel. +33 (0)4 84 99 50 10

A network of 16 public transport lines serving the communes of the Communauté d'Agglomération du Ventoux -Comtat Venaissin, with connections to
TER Avignon-Carpentras and Trans'Vaucluse coach services.


Your transport in the Bouches-du-Rhône
allôcartreize - 0 810 00 13 26

With Cartreize, you can take out a range of subscriptions: weekly, monthly or annual, with the option of travelling on the RTM, Transmétropole, Aix-en-Bus, Ulysse, Ouest-Provence-Le-Bus, Envie&Vous or Les Bus-de-L'Étang urban networks.


Oppidum Residence
5 avenue de la Méditerranée
ZAC de la gare centrale
30900 NîmesEdgard is a public transport service provided by the Gard Departmental Council. There are 155 lines in service at 2,172 stations throughout the Gard.


Regional Express Trains
0 800 11 40 23 (free call from a landline)