Your administrative procedures (forms)

Special study scheme

Students can benefit from a special study scheme under certain conditions (consult the general study regulations).
CSR applications must be submitted to the Registrar's Office no later than one month after the start of the semester's teaching. With the agreement of the director of the institute/component, the procedures for organising this CSR are set out in the educational study contract agreed between the student and his/her Director of Studies (in L1 and L2) or the Year or Programme Leader (in L3). Where a student becomes eligible for the CSR during the course of a semester and is therefore unable to submit an application within the deadline, the advice of the course leader is required.

View the documents you need to enclose with your applicationStudents with a disability must make an appointment with the disability officer. preventive medicine.

Transfer departure

You can download and fill in your transfer request.
You must then have the form signed by the director of your institute/unit, together with the necessary documents (summary of results, acceptance from the host university, stamped envelope at the normal rate).
This document must then be signed, with a favourable opinion, by the host university and returned to your training/study manager so that the transfer can take place.

Refund of registration fees

You may be entitled to a refund of the registration fee:


If you realise that the registration you have made does not suit you, you have the possibility to cancel it.
Before the start of the academic year (Or until 31 October of the current year under the conditions approved at the board meeting of 9 november 2021): you can apply for a refund of the registration fee.
After 31 OctoberYou will not be eligible for a refund.

Provisional diploma certificate (withdrawal)

You can collect your provisional diploma certificate approximately 3 weeks after the jury has deliberated.
You must download the application form for a provisional certificate  and return it duly completed to School Office.

diploma (withdrawal)

The diploma will be issued at the request of the person concerned within 6 months of the jury's deliberation.
You must download the application form for the withdrawal of a diploma and send it or drop it off at school office.
If your original diploma has been destroyed, lost or stolen, you can request a new one. request for a duplicate diploma supported by official documentary evidence enabling the validity of the claim to be verified (statement of claim, receipt of complaint, declaration on honour, etc.). Download the application form for a duplicate diploma.

Once your diploma has been edited, you can then retrieve it either :

On site, at the reception desk of the Registrar's Office (you will receive an e-mail informing you that your diploma is available):

You will need to show your identity card and return the original provisional certificate of your diploma (if you have withdrawn it).

In the event that your diploma is withdrawn by a third party, all of the following documents must be presented

  • the power of attorney completed and signed,
  • the identity card of the third party,
  • a copy of your identity card,
  • the provisional certificate of your diploma

By post:

When submitting or sending your application for the withdrawal of a diploma, you must enclose:

  • a copy of your identity card,
  • the original provisional certificate of your diploma (if you have withdrawn it)
  • a cardboard A4 envelope with your name and address, stamped at €6.20 for delivery in France (or at the current rate for international registered mail). You must send your application by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt.

Using a customary first name

Facilitating the inclusion of transgender people in student life

Avignon University promotes the inclusion of transgender, non-binary and intersex people in student life. To this end, it offers students the opportunity to use a first name that is different from the first name registered in their civil status records. One of the aims of this scheme is to combat discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The following procedures are applied in the school:

The first name used appears on the following documents:

  • Student card,
  • Registration and call-up lists (for TD and TP groups, etc.),
  • Display and list of exam results,
  • For university elections: electoral roll, list of voters, lists of candidates, list of results,
  • Corporate e-mail address.

Please note: taking into account the first name used may cause difficulties when dealing with other administrations or external bodies (CROUS, application to another university, renewal of residence permit, etc.) for which the university cannot be held responsible.

Official documents not affected by the use of a forename :

  • Certificate of achievement / Diploma,
  • Doctoral contracts and employment contracts,
  • Individual transcript,
  • School attendance certificate.

The use of a customary first name does not imply a change in the first name recorded in the civil register, which remains the prerogative of the civil registrar (article 60 of the civil code). See the process.

If the change is accepted by the civil registrar, the university will re-issue official documents, such as diplomas and certificates of achievement, with the new first name recorded in the civil register (on presentation of the official document).

Application form for use of a customary forename

Legal and regulatory framework :

- Article 9 of the Civil Code on the right to privacy
- Articles 60 to 61-4 of the Civil Code, relating to changes of first name and surname 
- Articles 61-5 to 61-8 of the French Civil Code, relating to changes in the gender of a person's civil status record
- Law no. 2016-1547 of 18 November 2016 on the modernisation of the justice system for the 21st century
- Circular dated 17 February 2017 from the Ministry of Justice, on the diversified procedure for changing a forename.
- Education Code, in particular article D. 612-5
- Circular no. 2015-0012 of 24 March 2015 on the procedures for drawing up and awarding national diplomas and certain State diplomas by higher education establishments under the authority of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research


To know the procedure, click here.


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