Application for reorientation at the end of the 1st semester

This procedure concerns first-year undergraduate, first-year postgraduate, first-year postgraduate technical diploma and first-year CPGE students who wish to change direction at the end of the first semester. After obtaining the necessary advice from AU's Service d'Accompagnement à la Formation, l'Insertion, la Réussite et l'Entrepreneuriat (SAFIRE) and from the teaching staff, you have decided to change direction at the end of your first semester.

You would like to know the necessary administrative steps:

  1. You must complete the request for reorientation.
  2. You must then contact the director of studies of the new degree you wish to study in order to obtain an opinion on your request for reorientation.
  3. You must then submit this application by 2 February 2025 at the latest, signed by the director of studies of your new degree, using the contact form (please note that this is not an e-mail address):

Contact the School Office

Access the contact form on

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