Orientation, Integration and Student Entrepreneurship
The Support Service for Training, Integration, Success and Entrepreneurship (SAFIRE) offers support in finding information and provides books and brochures on study courses and jobs (CIDJ, Onisep, Apec, etc.).
Students can also receive guidance and support in developing their educational and professional plans by appointment. A assistance for the creation of an activity or business is also proposed
How to consult us, contact us and ask your questions:
You can :
- contact us by phone at 04 90 16 25 85 at our usual opening hours
- contact us by email on orientation-insertion@univ-avignon.fr
- come and consult documentation and be accompanied in your documentary research in our documentation room (Hannah Arendt campus, North Building).
Reception hours
Opening hours :
Monday: 2pm - 5pm
Tuesday: 9am - 12pm / 2pm - 5pm
Wednesday: 9am-12noon
Thursday: 9am - 12pm / 2pm - 5pm
Friday: 9am - 12pm
Tel. +33 (0)4 90 16 25 85
How to get there (.PDF format)
Mis à jour le 13 February 2025