Respond to the call for projects

Company Innovation Passport (Pass Pi) is Avignon Université's new acceleration programme as part of our commitment to and support for the technological development of businesses and the region. It's a "booster" scheme to support technology and service projects. It offers project initiators several weeks' work by graduate students, doctoral students and teacher-researchers. This involvement of the University's resources takes the form of 10 weeks of work by students in our offices, a Hackathon acceleration day and 4 to 12 weeks of paid work experience in the company. This support programme brings together all of Avignon Université's expertise to help companies become more competitive and to facilitate links with our training courses, research laboratories and technology platforms.

>> Full presentation of Passeport Innovation

Selection process

Which projects are eligible?

The Innov'Alliance cluster (formerly Terralia-Pass), Avignon University and Greater Avignon are partners in this scheme. However, it is not necessary for the projects to be in the naturalness field (food, biocontrol and natural inputs, natural ingredients, nutraceuticals, natural cosmetics) or for the companies to belong to the sector. On the other hand, it is the skills of our laboratories, the IUT and our training courses that must guide the nature of the projects that you propose to us.
You will find a presentation of most of our skills in the appendix.

Projects can be innovative or involve solving scientific or technical problems you have encountered.

Finally, in the current context of COVID 19, you can also propose topics relating to the recovery and relaunch of your activities. Perhaps this period is also an opportunity to explore new horizons to capture new markets...

Selection calendar


Project confidentiality

Projects are intended to be presented publicly. However, it is possible to propose confidential projects by letting us know. In this case, public presentations will be technically limited, and may even be limited to presenting your company's activities (to be discussed together).

Response form to the call for proposals