Contract teacher - LRU

Recruitment campaign for contract teachers/researchers - LRU

Page updated regularly

Positions to be filled:

He will take up his new position on 02 September 2024.

Supplementary campaign: applications from 31 May to the evening of 10 June

CNU Section
Laboratory Contract type Indicative profile
Access to the recruitment platformProvisional date
Campaign complementary
CPSN (DEG)100%04TeacherPolitical scienceLink28/06/2024Commission
CERI100%27TeacherComputer ScienceLink27/06/2024Commission
CERI100%27LIATeacher-researcherComputer ScienceLink27/06/2024Commission
UFR DEG100%01JPEG LaboratoryTeacher-researcherCivil lawLink18/06/2024Commission
UFR DEG100%01JPEG LaboratoryTeacher-researcherDigital lawLink18/06/2024Commission
UFR DEG100%02JPEG LaboratoryTeacher-researcherPublic lawLink17/06/2024Commission
UFR DEG100%06TeacherGeneral management,
IUT100%09 10 71TeacherExpression communication
IUT100%06TeacherMarketing and negotiationLink04/06/2024Commission
IUT100%26 27LIA / LMATeacher-researcherData scienceLink18/06/2024Commission

Composition of the application :

To apply, you must submit your application exclusively on the dedicated platform:

  • A CV showing qualifications, diplomas and professional experience
  • A covering letter
  • The diploma expected
  • A valid identity document.

Recruitment timetable :

  • Closing date for applications on 13 May 2024
  • Examination of files by the committee - hearings : Between 21 May and 19 June 2024
  • Validation of rankings by the authorities : 4 July 2024
  • Publication of results : from 5 July 2024

For any administrative information you may need to set up your file,

you can contact the Human Resources Department:

Caroline BALAS: 04 90 16 25 39 - Françoise MAZEL: 04 90 16 25 36